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[[File:Davar-Siblings.jpg|500px|thumb|left|The Davar children--Jushu, Balat, Shallan, Helaran, and Wikim--by [[User:Botanicaxu|Botanicaxu]]]]At one such feast around late {{Rosharan date|1169}}, with the [[Tavinar]] family in attendance, Lin Davar announced his recent betrothal to [[Malise Gevelmar]]. After uncomfortable, prompted applause from his guests and family, a disgruntled Lin distributed gifts to his children--fine daggers for his sons and an [[aluminum]] necklace for Shallan.{{book ref|sa2|39}}{{book ref|sa2|48}} The feast was suddenly interrupted by [[Redin]], bastard son of Highprince [[Valam]], come to investigate the rumors of murder. Lin denied the rumors and requested that further discussion be held in private. While waiting, Shallan told jokes to her brothers, prompting laughs, smiles, and their first genuine interaction with one another in quite some time. After additional encouragement from Shallan, Balat complained that simple optimism will not solve their problems. However he later thanked Shallan for the light she seemed to bring them. Speaking loudly so as to be heard by the children, Redin declared his need for a testimony against Lin Davar in order to convict the man. Balat considered answering this summons before fear led to hesitation. Wikim encouraged Shallan to speak out, noting that their father will not harm her. However, Shallan claimed that she could not remember what had happened, while internally denying that anything had happened at all. After earning no response from the children, Redin reiterated that a witness was welcome to come forward at any time. At the demands of Lin, Redin then departed.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
{{sidequote|You can’t fix us, Shallan. Jushu will destroy himself. It’s only a matter of time. Balat is becoming Father, step by step. Malise spends one night in two weeping. Father will kill her one of these days, like he did Mother.|Wikim to Shallan at the Middlefest Fair|right|200px}}Determined to continue bringing hope to her brothers, Shallan began seeking ways to encourage each of them to take steps away from their vices and towards more positive activities. At the [[Middlefest Fair]] of {{Rosharan date|1170}} Shallan put several of these plans into action after seizing an opportunity to leave her father's side when Lin and Malise began discussing the terms of a one-sided trade deal with Brightlord [[Revilar]]. Accompanied by a guard, [[Jix]], Shallan sought out [[Eylita Tavinar]] and then delivered a message from her to Balat in the festival's gambling pavilion. Shallan revealed to Balat that she had seen the two eyeing one another and so had organized an opportunity for the two to meet and walk together. With Balat on his way to meet Eylita, Shallan returned to find her father concluding a meeting with an [[Hoid|unfamiliar messenger]] who came with news from HeleranHelaran. The man gave a start of surprise upon seeing Shallan, and then dumped a powdery substance into his own cup before departing. When Shallan prodded for the news, Lin declared Helaran to be officially disinherited and named Nan Balat his heir. He then asked Shallan to speak with Wikim, who had refused to leave the family's carriage. Shallan took this opportunity to leave again, and found Wikim where he had been left. After discussing the family's battered state with Wikim, Shallan proffered several sheets of math problems related to [[highstorm]] timing calculations, which she had taken from her father's books and translated into [[glyphs]]. Seeing through her intent, Wikim belittled her efforts, but he could later be seen working the problems attentively and with a smile. Leaving the carriage feeling dejected, Shallan crossed paths with HeleranHelaran's messenger. The man, later revealed to be Wit,{{book ref|sa2|55}} shared what little news he had of HeleranHelaran: that Shallan's brother was in good health, "doing things he finds very important," and keeping an eye on their father. He then began to ask pointed questions of Shallan, suggesting that he was aware of her family's brokenness and Shallan's Surgebinding abilities. After sharing a story about two blind men contemplating beauty, Wit asked Shallan to indulge him with her own definition of beauty. With some prompting, Shallan began to describe a idyllic scene of her family--all present, including her mother and eldest brother--in their gardens, interacting with one another in love and joy. As she spoke, Wit held out a handful of infused [[spheres]], which Shallan subconsciously used to Lightweave the scene described. Realizing what she was doing, Shallan withdrew her abilities. Wit encouraged her, suggesting that their struggles are partially caused by an [[Unmade]] or some other supernatural force.{{wob ref|3333}}{{wob ref|6201}} Apparently satisfied with what he had discovered of her abilities, Wit then bowed, disclosed that HeleranHelaran was currently in [[Alethkar]], and left.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
{{quote|Keep cutting at those thorns, strong one, and make a path for the light. The things you fight aren’t completely natural.|Wit to Shallan at the Middlefest Fair{{book ref|sa2|45}}}}
==== The Perfect Daughter ====
In the months that followed, Shallan became very quiet and submissive, avoiding her father when possible by confining herself to her room most of the time--her only act of rebellion taking the form of private jokes about her father's visitors when in the company of her siblings. The family's fortunes began to improve, though it did not restore kindness to Lin Davar as Shallan hoped it would. In mid-{{Rosharan date|1172}} Lin confronted Balat over his relationship with Eylita Tavinar, with whom a marriage would provide no political advantages. When the argument became heated, Balat crossed the line of naming his father a murderer, and Lin commanded his guards to put down the boy's new [[axehound]] pups--an order they swiftly executed. Before leaving, Balat revealed that Helaran had returned. Shallan followed to inquire further about his conversation with their brother, and Balat explained that this would likely be Helaran's final visit for a very long time. Balat proposes that they flee, confessing that he will do anything necessary to be with Eylita. Shallan convinced Balat that he should take Wikim and Jushu as well, though explained that she would not be able to join them. Shallan then returned to the manor and overheard her father give the command to have HeleranHelaran assassinated. Before she could react, the voice of Malise spoke up--criticizing Lin for going too far. Shallan fled to her room as the argument escalated and an enraged Lin attacked his wife.{{book ref|sa2|61}}
{{sidequote|He’ll kill us all. One by one, he’ll break us and kill us. There’s a darkness inside of him. I’ve seen it, behind his eyes. A beast . . .|Malise to Shallan after being beaten{{book ref|sa2|65}}|right|400px}}A couple of hours later, strengthened by encouragement from a book by Jasnah Kholin, Shallan went to Balat and asked him to flee with Malise as well. News of the order to assassinate HeleranHelaran urged him to take action, and the two conspirators began to discuss a way for them to leave and seek help before being caught. Upon returning to the house, Shallan entered her father's sitting room to attend the wounded Malise--her first time in the room since the day of her mother's death. As Shallan began to clean and bind her stepmother's wounds the woman bitterly questioned why Lin hates everyone besides his daughter. Shallan then explained her plans made with Balat, dismissing Malise's concerns, before departing.{{book ref|sa2|65}}
Shallan and Balat set their plans into motion during the final weeks of {{Rosharan date|1172}}, just prior to Shallan's 17thseventeenth [[Weeping]]. Helaran seemed to have disappeared, having been killed by [[Kaladin]] just several weeks prior. Balat decided to continue with the plan, however, by seeking refuge in Highprince Valam and ReddinRedin's promise made years before. They began to discuss what to do with Malise when Wikim suddenly appeared with news that Eylita had arrived, unscheduled. The siblings sought out Eylita and their father in the feast hall, where Lin Davar revealed that he was aware of Balat's plans to leave and that he had news that HeleranHelaran had died on a battlefield in Alethkar. Shallan, while passing by the kitchens on a separate task, then discovered the lifeless body of Malise. Realizing that her father was beyond saving, Shallan prepared a glass of wine and poisoned it with the blackbane leaves she had received from Wikim years before. As Shallan worked, Balat and Lin drew swords. The duel was short and ended with Balat unarmed on one knee. Mocking his son, Lin paused to drink Shallan's proffered wine. Balat took the distraction to grab his sword and thrust at his father, but he narrowly missed. Furious, Lin seized an iron poker from beside the fire and began to beat Balat's leg mercilessly. After several blows, Eylita placed herself in the way. After a brief pause, Lin began to swing at the girl before suddenly slumping to the ground--the poison having done it's work. Shallan commanded Eylita to bind Balat's wound while explaining what she had done with the blackbane leaves. As Jushu pulled a mysterious [[soulcasterSoulcaster]] from his father's pocket, Lin began to stir and they realized that the poison had only worked to temporarily paralyze the man. Before he could recover, Shallan looped her necklace around her father's neck and twisted it tight, whispering "Sleep My Baby Dear" as he suffocated.{{book ref|sa2|73}}
==== The Plan ====
Though House Davar was effectively wealthy at the time of Lin's death, the man had extended himself with aggressive business deals which the Davar children were unable to make good on.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Their finances had depended heavily upon the use of thea [[Davar soulcasterSoulcaster|secret soulcasterSoulcaster]] to create a stream of steady income by means of marble deposits "discovered" on their lands.{{book ref|sa1|7}}{{book ref|sa1|29}}{{book ref|sa2|73}} During the fight that ended in Lin's death, Balat accidentally damaged the soulcasterSoulcaster.{{book ref|sa2|73}} They took the soulcasterSoulcaster to a jeweler to have it superficially repaired, but their father's advisoradviser who was trained to use the fabrial, a Ghostbloods member named [[Luesh]], claimed that it still would not work.{{book ref|sa1|7}}{{book ref|sa1|29}} With their source of income gone and their father unable to reassure creditors, the family's financial state was in peril. The siblings considered their options and determined that the only means by which they could settle their debts was with a working soulcasterSoulcaster. Unable to repair the device in secret, Shallan devised a plan to become the ward of Jasnah Kholin--ostensibly a heretic with a [[Jasnah's soulcasterSoulcaster|soulcasterSoulcaster of her own]]--and covertly exchange the fabrials.{{book ref|sa2|5}} The request to Jasnah was written in desparationdesperation, but when the princess replied Shallan and her brothers believed that the plan was worth the risk. Shallan was to meet Jasnah in [[Dumadari]] in two weeks time, however Jasnah's constant travels left Shallan chasing the woman for nearly six months. For most of this journey, Shallan traveled with Captain [[Tozbek]]--a longtime business partner of the Davar family, who offered a generous discount--aboard the [[Wind's Pleasure]]. Shallan finally caught up with Jasnah Kholin in the city of [[Kharbranth]].{{book ref|sa1|3}}
=== Kharbranth ({{Rosharan date|year=1173}})===
==== Petitioning Jasnah Kholin ====
[[File:Skyeel.jpg|200px|thumb|right|A [[skyeel]] at the Kharbranthian docks, sketched by Shallan]]Upon arriving in Kharbranth in {{Rosharan date|year=1173|month=6}}, Shallan now seventeen years old, Captain Tozbek checked with the dock registrar to confirm that Jasnah Kholin was still in the city. He explained to Shallan that, as a princess, Jasnah would certainly be staying in the [[Conclave]] at the top of the city. Tozbek assigned one of his men, [[Yalb]], to escort Shallan, and promised to deliver her belongings if she proved successful with Jasnah. Yalb hired a rickshaw porter for Shallan and served as a translator as they took the direct route from the docks to the Conclave. Shallan took in the exotic sights of the unfamiliar city as Yalb translated the porter's commentary. Upon reaching their destination the porter attempted to overcharge Shallan, but Yalb explained the truth. Shallan paid Yalb handsomely for his help and asked him to to remain outside the Conclave in the event she needed him further. Once inside, Shallan sought the assistance of a master-servant, who located Jasnah Kholin and led Shallan to the woman.{{book ref|sa1|3}} Shallan joined Jasnah as she accompanied King [[Taravangian]] to the site of a recent cave-in which had trapped his granddaughter. Though Jasnah was impressed by her tenacity, Shallan soon realized that Jasnah's request to meet was merely an opportunity for her to petition the woman rather than a tentative acceptance. Jasnah began to evaluate Shallan's educational background and, with a few exceptions, found it to be sorely lacking in several subjects. Upon reaching the cave-in, their conversation was put on hold. Jasnah Kholin used her soulcasterSoulcaster to transform the fallen boulder into smoke--freeing those trapped on the other side and gaining Taravangian's leave to make use of the [[Palanaeum]]. Wasting no time, Jasnah denied Shallan's request for wardship and made her way to the cities famed library.{{book ref|sa1|5}}
Determined not to return home without trying every avenue, Shallan decided to make a second attempt to convince Jasnah to take her on. She followed after Jasnah to the Palanaeum and, finding the 1000 sapphire broam cost of entry well beyond her means, sought out Jasnah's alcove in the [[Palanaeum#The_Veil|Veil]]. After reaching the alcove, Shallan took a moment to draw sketches of Kharbranth and Yalb to clear her mind. After a third sketch, of Jasnah soulcastingSoulcasting the boulder, Shallan drafted a letter that she hoped would change Jasnah's mind. Before she could place the letter and leave, she was interrupted by a young ardent, [[Kabsal]]. After admiring Shallan's artwork, Kabsal explained that he had been attempting for some time to meet with Jasnah and convert her back to [[Vorin]]ism. Kabsal left shortly before Jasnah's arrival.{{book ref|sa1|7}} Shallan was swiftly dismissed, after being berated by Jasnah for wasting her time, but as Shallan composed herself outside the alcove a servant invited her back in to collect the spheres she had left. Jasnah Kholin apologized for her anger and sour mood and, at Shallan's prompting, read the letter which had been overlooked. Impressed by Shallan's arguments and the revelation that she was self-trained, Jasnah gave Shallan the unique opportunity to request wardship a second time--after improving her deficiencies in history and philosophy. Thanking Jasnah, but realizing her house would be destitute by the time she could repetition, Shallan departed.{{book ref|sa1|8}}
{{sidequote|TouYou can tell much about a person by what they carry with them. If that notebook is any indication, you pursue scholarship in your free time for its own sake. That is encouraging.|Jasnah, deciding to make Shallan her ward{{book ref|sa1|8}}|left|300px}}Upon leaving the Conclave, Shallan was surprised to discover Yalb still waiting outside, gambling with a group of city guards. Yalb attempted to cheer Shallan up as they made their way towards the docks, after she had explained her failure with Jasnah, and he eventually convinced her to make one final attempt to win Jasnah's acceptance. Yalb sought out a bookstore and Shallan went inside, searching for books by some of the authors Jasnah had listed. The [[Thaylen]] book merchant, [[Artmyrn]], and his wife were somewhat taken aback by the young lighteyed girl's requests and attempted to sell her a romance novel instead. After a series of biting remarks from Shallan, they eventually provided her with some of the works she had requested. Finding the cost much higher than expected, but unskilled in haggling, Shallan began to pay when Yalb suddenly burst into the room pretending to work as the servant of one of Artmyrn's competitors. With Yalb's help Shallan was able to reduce the price significantly before making her purchase and returning to the Conclave. Shallan gave Yalb the sketch she had made of him in thanks and returned to the Palanaeum where she rented the alcove adjacent to Jasnah's. She settled herself with her new books, planning to study as much as possible before Jasnah's departure from Kharbranth. Jasnah, who had bribed the servants to report if Shallan returned, appeared a moment later, surprising Shallan. She guessed at Shallan's new plan and, knowing something of House Davar's precarious situation, explained she understood the source of Shallan's urgency. Jasnah then requested to see her satchel, sifting through the contents before beginning to study [[Shallan's sketchbook]]. Impressed by Shallan's natural curiosity and inclination to scholarship, as expressed in her drawings, Jasnah finally decided to grant Shallan's request for wardship.{{book ref|sa1|8}} She wrote home the next morning via [[spanreed]], letting her brothers know that she had succeeded in the first step of their plan to steelsteal Jasnah's soulcasterSoulcaster.{{book ref|sa1|i|2}}
==== Wearing a Scholar's Mantle ====
Shallan greatly enjoyed her first two months ass Jasnah's ward, dividing her time between her own education and assisting with Jasnah's research. (She was given admittance to the Palanaeum and was trained to use the library's numbering system to locate books. Put this here?) Her lifestyle was simple (describe living conditions). More about her enjoyment..... However, (spanreed with Balat) pressure to act soon with time running out. Luesh dead.
* TWoK-29/33
* studies