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Alcatraz is being outfitted by Janie for a public appearance as the former monarch of [[Mokia]]. He is presented with several costumes, including a those of a clown, a dog, and a frog, which are apparently the traditional wear of a Mokian former monarch. It is implied that this is so those monarchs cannot change their minds and stage a coup to take control of the country again.
The lights on the trunk containing the costumes go out, and Alcatraz attempts to power them as he has done before with other [[Silimatic | Silimatic technology]] and ends up overpowering them, causing them to melt. In order to have an excuse to leave while she replaces the lights, Alcatraz claims to need to use the restroom. While alone, he reflects on the need to stop his [[Attica_SmedryAttica Smedry| father, Attica Smedry's]] plan to give [[Smedry_TalentSmedry Talent| Talents]] to everyone and then hears voices, which he follows. He discovers his [[Leavenworth_SmedryLeavenworth Smedry| grandfather]] and [[Kazan_SmedryKazan Smedry| Kaz]] having a meeting with the monarchs of the [[Free_Kingdoms | Free Kingdoms]] through Communicator's Glass about their failure to come to Mokia's aid quickly enough.
Alcatraz calls them liars while in his bathrobe, and the monarchs hang up the call, refusing to be spoken to like that. However, Alcatraz powers the Communicator's glass like he did the lights, reforming the connection. He delivers a dramatic speech about how the Librarians need to be stopped and he is going to do it, claiming to know something the Librarians don't.
The chapter begins with a "fairy tale", which is actually a summary of Alcatraz's life, with an added happy ending, which Alcatraz claims to be a lie.
Kaz, Alcatraz, and Grandpa discuss how best to infiltrate the [[Highbrary]], suggesting economic sanctions and political propaganda as the first steps in a seventeen step plan. However, following an explosion, they instead decide to steal a ship and go in with guns blazing. They leave the room they were in and run into Queen Kamali, the new Mokian queen. She informs them that Alcatraz's speech from the last chapter was broadcasted on every piece of glass in the city, and that it caused resumed Librarian missile strikes on [[Tuki_Tuki | Tuki Tuki]]. Kamali tells them that she is ordering everyone into the shelters, and the three Smedrys refuse to join her.
Instead, they run through the city to find a ship to "steal". They select a giant glass penguin, but then Alcatraz remembers that they need to find his [[Shasta_SmedryShasta Smedry| mother, Shasta Smedry]]. Alcatraz and Kaz take off through the city to retrieve her from her makeshift jail in the zoo, dodging missiles and discussing whether or not Alcatraz will be able to bring the Talents back. They finally arrive at the zoo, only to discover that the missiles had destroyed the wall and Alcatraz's mother is free.
== Chapter Norton ==
In this chapter's chapter intro, Alcatraz informs the reader that the reason for the chapter intros is in order to delay the inevitable ending, once again referring to himself as a coward. He also claims that he is also probably too much of a coward to include this section in the book.
Alcatraz and Kaz step into the prison, and find his mother still there, despite the destroyed wall. She is reading a book, which is shown by the illustration in the page opposite to be [[Mistborn_(series)The |Final Empire|''Mistborn'' by Brandon Sanderson]]. She explains that she didn't try to escape because Alcatraz is her best hope to find Attica and stop Attica. Alcatraz convinces her to allow Kaz on the mission with them, and the tree of them set off for the landing field.
A different kind of missile appears, dropping murderous spider robots which proceed to begin destroying the city. As the three of them run from the robots, Alcatraz accuses Shasta of supporting this because she is a Librarian, to which she responds that he isn't truly a Free Kingdomer, causing them to have a giant argument about Free Kingdom vs. Librarian ideologies and Shasta's poor parenting. Eventually they reach a missile that had landed earlier and not exploded, and Alcatraz uses his anger and powers to cause it to blow up the robots.
They go to where Bastille is asleep, strapped to a bed. Alcatraz thinks about how helpless she looks and then about how she would punch anyone who thought of her as helpless. Draulin talks about how she's been too hard on Bastille, and Alcatraz thinks to himself that this must be what it's like to have a parent who actually cares. Draulin then calls Bastille helpless, and Alcatraz punches her, because that's what Bastille would want.
He retires to his room, where he finds that Janie had somehow managed to leave him an entire wardrobe of clothes, including both [[Hushlands]] garb and the ridiculous costumes of a former Mokian monarch. It takes him a long time to choose what to wear because he keeps thinking about what his mother said about him not truly belonging anywhere. Then something catches his eye, and he puts it on before joining Kaz and Grandpa in the penguin equivalent of a cockpit. They determine that they are going to pick up [[Biblioden | Dif]], another Smedry cousin, and it is revealed that Alcatraz chose to wear a tuxedo which matched his grandfather's, because he feels like he fits in as a Smedry.
== Chapter Lilliana ==
In this chapter's introduction, Alcatraz continues the train of thought of the previous chapter, speculating that maybe the reason that we have changed the endings of originally dark stories is because we need to be able to believe that happy endings are possible.
Alcatraz goes to Grandpa's rooms on the ship, where he is waiting to give him new [[Silimatic#Silimatic_LensesSilimatic Lenses| Lenses]]. Alcatraz receives his single Truthfinder's Lense, a Shamefiller's lens, a Shaper's lense, and a new pair of Courier's lenses. In addition, Alcatraz learns that Grandpa Smedry is also capable of charging Silimatic glass more powerfully than before.
After this discussion, Draulin enters, looking for listening devices. In order to confuse the people listening, they refer to Draulin's search for bugs as her attempting to belly-dance in every room on the ship. She discovers a bug on the bottom of the table that Alcatraz and Grandpa have sitting at, which Alcatraz uses his newfound powers to reverse so that they can listen to what's happening on the other side. They learn that there is someone whom the Librarians are referring to as [[Biblioden | The Scrivener]], and then the glass melts just as they arrive to Washington, D.C.
As soon as they arrive at the barricade, however, Alcatraz sees a Librarian standing behind it. Grandpa Smedry mentions that now would be a good time for the Talents to return, and Alcatraz tries, despite believing that he only knows how to Break things, not fix them. As he tries, he sees a dark, translucent reflection of himself in a broken window, but that's all. The Librarians chasing them catch up, and Alcatraz thinks that it's all over, but suddenly the Librarians behind the barricade begin firing on the Librarians chasing them.
[[Himalaya_Smedry | Himalaya Smedry]] and [[Folsom_Smedry | Folsom Smedry]] appear from the barricade and pull the five Smedrys and Draulin over the top to safety. Once they are safe, Himalaya's Librarians introduce themselves as the Librarian Liberation Libationists, and Himalaya and Folsom inform the five of them that they, too, saw Alcatraz's speech and have been waiting for him to show up. The LLL offers to help them to break into the Highbrary by trying to break in themselves, as a distraction.
== Chapter Alice ==