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Dalinar Kholin is of the belief that the war on the [[Parshendi]] has become nothing but a game to the [[Highprinces]] and seeks to unite them as the [[Highprince of War]]. However the King will not grant him this title unless Dalinar can prove that it is possible for the [[Highprinces]] to productively work together. One by one the [[Highprinces]] reject Dalinar’s pleas that they work together, until Dalinar and [[Highprince Sadeas]] become friends and they decide to try working together. However this alliance is a ploy used by [[Highprince Sadeas]] to attempt to kill Dalinar. [[Sadeas]] withdraws from a battle that they enter together, leaving Dalinar and his men stranded and surrounded by an overwhelming number of enemy troops. Dalinar is rescued by [[Kaladin]] and the other members [[Bridge Four]], but not before he has his armies severely weakened and almost dies at the hands of a [[Parshendi]] [[Shardbearer]].
Despite Dalinar Kholin’s prowess in battle, the battle against the [[Parshendi]] marks the first time that Dalinar loses the “Thrill”. The “Thrill” appears to be a term for the bloodlust that a warrior experiences during a battle. This loss of the “Thrill” during battle causes Dalinar to question why he is fighting and whether the alternative methods of settling the [[Alethi]] dispute with the [[Parshendi]] could yield better results. The [[Highprinces]] view Dalinar’s wish for a more peaceful existence as a sign of weakness rather than wisdom, and prompt him to talk to the King about his views. When Dalinar explains to the King that he is not afraid of battle, but would prefer to approach it in a different manner, [[Elhokar]] listens to him for the first time, and Dalinar finally feels that he is making progress.
Dalinar Kholin is plagued by visions of the [[Knights Radiant]] during [[highstorms]] which he believes to be sent by the “Almighty”. When Dalinar begins to make important decisions based on the visions his son [[Adolin]] questions the wisdom in trusting dreams. Dalinar expresses his belief that the visions are true and [[Adolin]] questions his father’s sanity. The realisation that even those close to him think that he has lost his wits results in Dalinar going through a period of self-doubt, and the he considers abdicating his position as [[Highprince]] to save House Kholin from being destroyed by foolish decisions. However at the suggestion of his son [[Renarin]], Dalinar enlists his sister-in-law and scholar [[Navani]] to investigate whether the dreams are true or a result of an addled mind. [[Navani]] concludes that the gibberish that Dalinar speaks during the fits is actually [[Dawnchant]], a now (apparently) dead language, and therefore that the visions are real.