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m (→‎Chapter 14: fleshed out)
m (→‎Chapter 15: fleshed out)
==Chapter 15==
Alcatraz decides they need to confront the creature. He introduces himself as [[Kilimanjaro]] and says that he has been sent to retrieve the [[Sands of Rashid|Lenses of Rashid]]. Kilimanjaro has removed Draulin's [[Fleshstone]] and she will die within the hour. He offers to trade them the Fleshstone for the Lenses. After a brief battle, Alcatraz realizes that he can't win this way and reluctantly accepts the trade. A bunch of mechanical spiders crawl down from Kiliman's mechanical body, and they trip a wire, sending Alcatraz and Bastille into a deep pit. Kaz is standing just out of the way of the trap. Kiliman orders Kaz to get the Lenses from Alcatraz then meet him at the center of the library for the trade. Alcatraz considers the trade a poor one -- giving the Librarians so much information just to save one life, when many more will probably be lost later, but he can't bring himself to be the cause of Draulin's death. He gives the Lenses to Kaz and sends him on his way.
Alcatraz decides they need to confront the creature. It's name is [[Kilimanjaro]] and it has been sent to retrieve the [[Sands of Rashid|Lenses of Rashid]]. Kilimanjaro has
removed Draulin's Fleshstone and she will die within the hour. After a brief battle, Alcatraz realized that he can't win this way. Kiliman offers to trade Draulin for the Translator's Lenses. Alcatraz accepts, but is caught in a trap with Bastille. Kilimanjaro tells Kaz to meet him at the center of the library with the lenses for the trade. Alcatraz gives the lenses to Kaz and sends him to do the trade.
==Chapter 16==