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m (→‎Chapter 13: fleshed out)
m (added foreword)
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[[Alcatraz Smedry]] insists that his is a liar to the [[Free Kingdoms|Free Kingdomers]]. He reminds those of the Hushlands that this is not a fantasy book, but a true memoir.
==Chapter 1==
[[Alcatraz Smedry]] is eating chips while waiting in an airport for [[Leavenworth Smedry]], aka Grandpa Smedry to contact him via Courier Lenses. They have been eluding [[Librarian]] for the last few months. They are planning to meet up to head to their homeland in the Free Kingdoms, [[Nalhalla]]. Alcatraz spots a man in a suit staring at him. He's wearing sunglasses, which are probably actually Warrior’s Lenses. He flees into a bathroom where he uses his talent to break the wall. He finds himself in a corridor and eventually a hangar. The hanger is layered with dust, so Alcatraz walks to an exit and uses his Windstormer’s Lenses to blow away the rest of his footprints, hoping the agents and security guards follow the false trail outside, then he hides behind the front wheel of a 747. While hiding, Alcatraz is contacted through his Courier Lenses by a [[Australia Smedry|dark-skinned girl]]. Alcatraz talks too loudly and gives away his position. The girl tells him to go outside and signal them somehow. He breaks the wheel and escapes out onto the tarmac. Out on the foggy runway, he sends up a signal with the Firebringer Lenses for help. One of the agents chasing him is a dark figure who is much taller and has an arm that is several feet longer than the other. The figure points the arm at Alcatraz and shoots the Firebringer’s Lens. The figure then starts to run at him, so he also begins to run away. As soon as Alcatraz starts to run, he can feel a force pulling him back. Just as he is about to be caught, a rope ladder lands on the tarmac in front of him. Alcatraz grabs it and is lifted into the air above the fog.
==Chapter 2==
Alcatraz finds Grandpa Smedry, but his father is already a Curator and his mother has made off with Attica’s possessions. On the way out, Alcatraz finds a clue from his father and follows it to find him. Among the things that Shasta now has, are a pair of Translator Lenses.
Bastille dies.