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(→‎Chapter 4: fleshed out)
m (→‎Chapter 5: flesh out a little, grammar)
==Chapter 5==
Right after her arrival, Bastille is introduced to Alcatraz as the [[Crystallia|Crystin Knight]] tasked with protecting the Smedrys on their mission to Hushlands. AfterGrandpa quickSmedry explanationexplains ofto whather theirthat planthey isare Grandpagoing Smedryto infiltrate the main library in order to retrieve the Sands of Rashid. He takes Quentin and Sing Sing in his car to the Downtown Library, leaving Alcatraz to drive with Bastille. During the ride Alcatraz gets to know Bastille's background as a littleCrystin moreKnight and learns that he was actually supervised from a distance by Leavenworth, who kept track of his changing foster homes. Bastille complains a lot about how much trouble the reckless Smedrys are. When they arrive (Grandpa is late -, obviously), Bastille asks Alcatraz to take an oculatory reading of the library building. She helps Alcatraz to interpret what he sees using the Oculator's Lenses, displaying her knowledge about oculatory powers. During their conversation, Alcatraz manages to irritate Bastille to the point, that she smashes him with her handbag, just before the other team members arrivedarrive. Rutabaga.
==Chapter 6==