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;Characters: [[Sazed]]
Sazed remains at the cave entrance, accompanied only by Demoux who is badly injured and missing a hand. The heat from the sun is oven-like and koloss continue to rampage, but Sazed believes in Vin. He sees the bodies of Vin and a stranger appear besides Elends corpse, and wearing all his copperminds, he taps steel to reach them safely. He cries out in anguish and despair. Then he notices white mist and black smoke leaking from Vin and the stranger and he reaches out to take the powers but hesitates, insecure in his ability to use the powers intelligently. He sees his copperminds, on his arms, and remembers the prophecies. Sazed draws both powers in, and withdraws the knowledge from all his copperminds. Using the wisdom passed down by the religions he studied, he is able to restore the world and people to their pre-ascension state. Sazed realizes that he would retain and combine the powers as they were intended, and watch over Scadrial using both powers of Preservation and Ruin, in [[Harmony]].
= Epilogue =