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{{epigraph|And yet ... something about all this seemed so convenient. It felt almost as if we constructed a hero to fit our prophecies, rather than allowing one to arise naturally. This was the worry I had, the thing that should have given me pause when my brethren came to me, finally willing to believe.}}
'''Point of View: Vin
Vin wakes up in a hospital bed, and Elend is there. He tells her that Penrod is now king, and flinches unconsciously when Vin touches him, thinking of when she killed the assassins. Vin hears Reen's voice saying that everyone will abandon her. Elend tells Vin that OreSeur lived and is consuming a new host body.
Elend leaves and Vin goes back to sleep. When she awakes, Zane is in the room. Zane says the assassins were from Cett, and that Penrod made a deal with Straff. Zane gives Vin a nugget of atium and leaves, after telling her to stay safe.
OreSeur visits Vin, with a new dog host body. OreSeur states he didn't break the Contract by attacking a human, since his actions didn't cause death. OreSeur reluctantly tells Vin some non-confidential information about kandra, such as that they are not immortal, that they did not exist before the Lord Ruler's Ascension, that the Lord Ruler created them, and built in a means to control them. Vin experimentally used a duralumin brass push on OreSeur and succeeded. OreSeur gets upset that he revealed too much and Vin promises not to soothe OreSeur again. OreSeur says that Vin should not have been able to do that, and that she is like the powerful Allomancers of old.
===Chapter 41===