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'''Torol Sadeas''' is an [[Alethi]] Highprince on [[Roshar]]. He commands one of the most significant armies on the Shattered Plains, alongside [[Dalinar Kholin]]. He is the current Highprince of Information and owns a [[Shardplate]] and Dalinar Kholin's old [[Shardblade]], Oathbringer. He has a bulbous head, curly hair and ruddy face. He is married to [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]], a curvaceous woman who dyes her hair.{{ref|b|twok|c|54}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
He has a bulbous head, curly hair and ruddy face. He is married to [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]], a curvaceous woman who dyes her hair.{{ref|b|twok|c|54}}
Sadeas is a cruel man who doesn't care about the lives of the bridgemen. He tried giving them shields once and took them away once the Parshendi began firing arrows into his soldiers and horses.
Sadeas is a cruel man who doesn't care about the lives of the bridgemen. He tried giving them shields once and took them away once the Parshendi began firing arrows into his soldiers and horses. In showing his cruelty towards the Bridgemen, [[Gaz]] approaches and tells [[Kaladin]] that Sadeas has ordered the wounded men of Bridge Four to not receive food or pay for the duration of time they can't run bridges.{{ref|b|twok|c|21}}
Sadeas believes the Codes are a bunch of idealised nonsense, exhibiting Gavilar's death for his mistrust in their guidelines. His conviction for the Alethi way is indomitable, often not being able to reconcile with foreign ethics, such as the Codes and Dalinar's adherence to them.
Before Gavilar was assassinated, Sadeas and Dalinar were actually good friends. They maintain their respect for the other's abilities and appear cordial in person, but Sadeas secretly wants to outmaneuver Dalinar any way he can.{{ref|b|twok|c|15}}
==Background History ==
Sadeas is first introduced when he is participating in a hunt out on the Plains with [[Dalinar]], Dalinar's two sons, [[Renarin]] and [[Adolin]], and the King of Alethkar, [[Elhokar]]. Sadeas shows a consistent trait of his by taunting Dalinar over his lack of recent success in capturing gemhearts.{{ref|b|twok|c|12}}
Dalinar has been investigating the cut girth strap on the king's saddle but at one particular king's feast, Elhokar announces that in light of the recent attempt on his life with the saddle, he is appointing Sadeas to Highprince of Information to investigate. This is to spite Dalinar who Elhokar believes is not taking the investigation seriously. Sadeas learnt of Dalinar's request to be Highprince of War and this is Sadeas' way of outmanoeuvring his opponent.{{ref|b|twok|c|22}}
=== As Highprince of Information ===
Sadeas has been investigating the cut girth strap. Dalinar is insistent that Sadeas reveal the results of the investigation, to which Adolin is convinced Sadeas will use the opportunity to incriminate Dalinar and turn the other Brightlords against him. This conviction is punctuated by Sadeas saying to Dalinar, “You asked for this, old friend.”{{ref|b|twok|c|54}}
Next, Sadeas brings out one of the grooms in the king's employ, asking him to repeat what he told Sadeas in private. The groom confirmed the saddle had been checked over in Dalinar's camp, but also noted that the horse was wearing a different saddle on the way to Dalinar's camp from the king's. In his personal opinion, Sadeas proclaims that the strap had been cut in Dalinar's camp to cast suspicion on Dalinar, and that Dalinar had no hand in the plot. This shocked both Adolin and Dalinar, both on their toes waiting for Sadeas to convict Dalinar. Despite their rivalry, Sadeas does not want to claim a victory so easily. While he may be cruel, he still makes logical decisions.
=== Betrayal ===
Right after being vindicated, Dalinar proposed that Sadeas and he work together in capturing the Tower, a plateau out on the Plains notoriously unconquered due to it being so close to the Parshendi side. Dalinar suggests combining forces to which Sadeas agrees only after they can agree on the split of rewards. Especially a Blade.