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Elend has mental control of the koloss army, with the steel inquisitor now deceased. Vin realizes this inquisitor had a non-allomantic speed enhancement, and after investigation, finds and removes a pewter spike from its heart. Elend ponders if there is a third power besides allomancy and feruchemy. Elend and Vin discuss their losing battle against their [[Ruin|nebulous foe]].
Fatren guides Elend and Vin to the Ministry building in Vetitan, and they locate a hidden storage cache, which Elend claims for the empire. Elend and Vin debate about the emperor's leadership ability and the changes in the ashfalls and weather. They find a metal plate inscribed by the Lord Ruler with information on [[Malatium]], using emotional allomancy to control kandra and koloss, and the __cpLocationlocation of another undiscovered storage depot in [[Fadrex City]]. Vin finds a postscript note on the plate that states that their foe can learn anything they speak or write, and that only thoughts are safe.
=== Chapter 6 ===
{{epigraph|Rashek moved the Well of Ascension, obviously.
It was very clever of him—perhaps the cleverest thing he did. He knew that the power would one day return to the Well, for power such as this—the fundamental power by which the world itself was formed—does not simply run out. It can be used, and therefore diffused, but it will always be renewed.
So, knowing that rumors and tales would persist, Rashek changed the very landscape of the world. He put mountains in what became the North, and named that __cpLocationlocation Terris. Then he flattened his true homeland, and built his capital there.
He constructed his palace around that room at its heart, the room where he would meditate, the room that was a replica of his old hovel in Terris. A refuge created during the last moments before his power ran out.}}
Ruin gloats to Vin about his pending victory. Vin listens to his ramblings, looking for clues to defeat him.
Vin calls her guards to tell them she wants to make a deal with Yomen and that she has information for the obligator. Yomen seems tired, and Vin realizes that he is not a mistborn, but rather an atium misting. She tells Yomen to ask her any question and he asks about Elend's control of the koloss. She speaks of emotional allomancy combined with duralumin being strong enough to perform this task. Yomen says that Vin is part of the Lord Ruler's plans, and she plays along, stating that the Lord Ruler wanted Vin to meet Yomen through the hunt for the storage caches. Yomen has maps brought in, and Vin marks the __cpLocationlocation of the other caches on it. Vin notices the caches seem to be near mines, and another map with mineral deposits listed reveals a pattern for the caches all being near sources of metal. Vin then realizes that Ruin was using her and Elend to find the storage caches. Vin also realizes that Ruin was manipulating her to find the atium cache for some reason.
Marsh shows up, smiles at Vin, bows to Ruin, and tells Yomen that an attack is imminent. Marsh says he isn't there to protect the city, but rather to take the atium cache, but Yomen replies there was no great cache, just seven beads, and that he was bluffing Vin about having more. Ruin screams in frustration at learning this. Yomen pleads for help from Marsh but is rejected, saying the Lord Ruler is dead and that he was an unprofitable servant. Vin interjects that Elend won't attack and offers an alliance to Yomen now that Marsh refuses him. Marsh scoffs that Elend wouldn't attack the city to save Vin, but she says that Elend is a better man than that.
Elend asks Hammond if attacking the city with his koloss is the right thing to do, and Hammond replies that it isn't. Elend orders the camp packed up, and for them to return to Luthadel.
Yomen watches as a soldier states that Elend's army is leaving Fadrex. Ruin says this is very odd, and Vin decides to bluff him, saying they knew his plan all along, and that he can't find the atium cache on his own since it blinds him, and that they already located and hid the cache right under his nose. Marsh grabs Vin and yells at her to reveal the atium's __cpLocationlocation but Vin refuses. Marsh then orders Yomen to attack Elend's army and Yomen complies.
Elend and Hammond observe Yomen's inferior force charge out to attack their army, but is suspicious of this and orders the koloss to retreat, since it is similar to his own strategy when he took control of the koloss.
;Plot Summary
Vin reaches Luthadel, sensing that a dozen mistborn are chasing her. She goes to Kredik Shaw, and Ruin questions her, saying his minions already search the Lord Ruler's palace for the atium. Vin says she will never reveal the __cpLocationlocation of the atium cache, and Ruin orders his Inquisitors, thirteen in all, to attack her as Marsh watches. She sees one of them use feruchemical speed from extra spikes that it has. She fights well but is eventually overpowered, and pleads for the mists to aid her in her moment of desperation but nothing happens. Marsh tortures her, breaking her arms and one of her legs, telling her to reveal the __cpLocationlocation of the atium.
Marsh, under Ruin's almost total control, breaks Vin's other leg and starts breaking her fingers while a small part of his brain tries to resist. He thinks of how Kelsier treated her as the daughter he and Mare never had and how he had given up shortly before the rebellion that he worked so hard to bring about succeeded. He notices Vin's earring and remembers her story about it, and thinks of the note from Spook about the dangers of any metal piercing the body. Without thought, Marsh rips the earring out of Vin's ear.
{{epigraph|She once asked Ruin why he had chosen her. The primary answer is simple. It had little to do with her personality, attitudes, or even skill with Allomancy.
She was simply the only child Ruin could find who was in a position to gain the right Hemalurgic spike—one that would grant her heightened power with bronze, which would then let her sense the __cpLocationlocation of the Well of Ascension. She had an insane mother, a sister who was a Seeker, and was—herself—Mistborn. That was precisely the combination Ruin needed.
There were other reasons, of course. But even Ruin didn't know them.}}
Marsh attacks Elend burning the atium he got from a kandra. Elend's pewter runs out, but he is still able to burn pewter somehow. He looks up and sees Vin, and sees a dark force guiding Marsh. Elend then burns duralumin and atium, and has a flash of insight and knowledge.{{wob ref|5667}} Elend buries his sword in Marsh's neck as Marsh's axe takes him in the chest. However Marsh is able to heal his wound while Elend isn't. Marsh claims victory but Elend says that he is wrong and that Elend won.
Human searches the storage __cpLocationlocation where the atium was stored and finds it empty.
Elend tells Marsh that all the atium has been burned up and none is left for Ruin.