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m (Edited the list of characters for Chapter 7 to include Paalm (mentioned only))
(Fix some inconsistent headings and spelling)
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
The book opens several months since [[Vin]] released Ruin from his prison within the [[Well of Ascension|Well]]. [[Fatren]] and his town are one of many that have been devastated by Ruin's malevolent horde of [[koloss]] and the [[Mist|killer mists]]. As they prepare for death having reports of an approaching koloss army they are greeted by a lone rider. This rider proves to be an [[Allomancy|Allomancer]] identifying himself as their emperor: [[Elend Venture]].
*[[Ruin]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Marsh regains lucidity as Ruin lessens his control over the inquisitor. He is in a large koloss camp, and is accompanied by several inquisitors, many of whom have new hemalurgic spikes charged by Terris keepers. He ponders that he will never get enough control to kill himself, and that he wishes Ruin would keep control over him permanently to let him see the beauty in the destruction of the world.
*[[Rashek]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
TenSoon consumes a new body. Four kandra of the Fifth Generation, including [[VarSell]], escort TenSoon to trial in the [[Trustwarren]].
;Plot Summary
Marsh enters Luthadel stealthily, traveling through the city to Keep Venture. He thinks of how he was turned into an IinquisitorInquisitor as he prepares to use his newly made spike on King Penrod. Ruin takes control of Marsh's body and he attacks Penrod, holding off guards for a time before stabbing Penrod in the heart with the spike and leaving it there, then departing.
Marsh observes in secret as surgeons confer about Penrod, deciding to leave the spike in place since they aren't able to safely remove it and since he seems to be in good health even with the spike, all according to Ruin's plan.
*[[TenSoon]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Vin confronts Reen, demanding who or what he really is. She tries a duralumin zinc blast but nothing happens, proving the creature is not a kandra. She goes on the offensive, though Reen only backs away defensively, not attacking, and asks her to stop to talk. The lights go out, but Vin is still not able to hit the impostor. In the dark, she focuses on the allomantic pulses and realizes they match the ones from the Well of Ascension, and that the creature is Ruin. Ruin tells her that all things must end and that he is not her enemy. It also says that it has always been with her, even when she couldn't see it, since she was a child.
*[[Elend Venture]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Sazed, Breeze and Allrianne await Spook's return to the storage cavern, and speculate on his actions and his ability to jump two stories without being severely injured. Sazed thinks that are no known examples of an allomancer gaining new powers after snapping.
*[[Aradan Yomen]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Vin ruminates on all the knowledge she has about Ruin to try to figure out how to defeat it. Having no light, it takes her some time to explore the cavern. She finds the metal plate and reads it by touch. The Lord Ruler wrote that Ruin had spoken in his mind, that he tried to be a good ruler, and that he cared despite the fact that if anyone read these words that meant he was dead, and that he hid Ruin's body well and that Ruin is not omnipotent.
;Plot Summary
Sazed researches how to refill the canals with water, withdrawing a book on engineering from his copperminds. Sazed speaks in detail to Breeze about how canals work, which pleases Breeze since Sazed is showing interest in his scholarship again. Breeze tells Sazed to be himself and do what makes him happy. Breeze also expresses confidence in Spook's leadership though Sazed has reservations about him. Spook joins them and states that it feels wrong that Quellion hasn't attacked them. He says that Quellion came to power by getting people to go into the mists and declaring all who lived were pure, and by killing nobles in the name of the Survivor, though Quellion concealed the facts that no nobles died in the mists. Sazed says he is ready to start construction of the structures to redirect water to the canals. Goradel shows up to say Beldre has appeared asking to speak with Spook.
*[[Kelsier]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Vin awakes in chains, and with no metals in her stomach to burn. Yomen describes all the precautions that are in effect to keep Vin from escaping. Yomen took Vin's earring to examine it, and it confuses him, since it is made of silver and bronze, a combination of little use to an allomancer. He allows her to take the earring and she does, putting it back in place. One of Elend's soldiers is escorted in to ask Vin a question to verify that she is still alive and not a kandra impostor. Yomen says that she was captured to be executed for the murder of the Lord Ruler, though he will allow her to speak in her own defense. Ruin whispers to her to kill Yomen.
*[[Tindwyl]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Spook works on a plan for Quellion to reveal his allomantic ability. He discusses the plan with Beldre, who asks to be allowed to write a letter to Quellion to convince him to not oppose Spook, and he gives permission. Goradel summons Spook to alert him that the Citizen's soldiers left the Canton building. Spook sends scouts to investigate where the soldiers went to.
;Plot Summary
Elend finds the ruins of Kredik Shaw, and searches throughout Luthadel for Vin. He finds Penrod's corpse at Keep Venture, and tries to figure out where the people of Luthadel went. He hears the wind whisper to him west, pits and heads that way.
;Plot Summary
Demoux tells Elend that there are several hundred thousand refugees at the Pits. Elend is concerned since an army of koloss is heading toward them, with no city walls or defenses for protection. Demoux tells Elend that the refugees came to the Pits because Kelsier told them to. Elend asks to speak to the men who saw Kelsier, and to have the mistfallen consume allomantic metals.