Difference between revisions of "Summary:The Rithmatist"

Note, I'll fill in the rest of the character lists very soon
m (→‎Chapter 5: Changing man to men for grammatical accuracy)
(Note, I'll fill in the rest of the character lists very soon)
== Prologue ==
[[File: Chalkling Hunter.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Basic Easton defense: [http://i0.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/the-rithmatist.jpg?resize=449%2C702&type=vertical]
* [[Lilly Whiting]]
* [[Scribbler]]
;Plot Summary
[[Lilly Whiting|Lilly]] -- a [[Rithmatics]] student of the [[Armedius Academy]] -- is hunted by a mysterious figure that sends [[chalkling]]s to attack her. She tries hard to defend herself, but fails.
=== Chapter 1 ===
[[File: Chalkling Knight.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Four Rithmatic Lines: [http://thebooksmugglers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/rithmatist-the-four-rithmatic-lines.jpg]
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Michael]]
* [[Fitch]]
* [[Nalizar]]
* [[Paul Crew]] (mentioned only)
* [[Adelle Choi]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thomas York]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
[[Joel Saxon|Joel]] is sent to run errands for the office. He rushes through his other tasks, saving a message for Rithmatics professor [[Fitch]] for last, so he can watch a Rithmatics lecture. When Professor [[Andrew Nalizar|Nalizar]] shows up to challenge Professor Fitch, Joel watches the duel and witnesses the loss by Fitch and his subsequent demotion.
=== Chapter 2 ===
[[File: Chalkling Raptor.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of Two-Point and Four-Point circles: [http://i0.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist3.png?resize=450%2C697&type=vertical]
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Florence]]
* [[Exton L. Pratt]]
* [[Nalizar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fitch]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thomas York]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Joel comes back to the office after running his errands tells the clerks, [[Florence]] and [[Exton L. Pratt|Exton]], about the duel. The clerks discuss the necessity of such traditions.
=== Chapter 3 ===
[[File: Chalkling DinoThug.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of Bind Points and Circles Advanced Notes [http://i1.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist4.jpg?resize=534%2C803&type=vertical]
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Layton]]
* [[Melody Muns]]
* [[Trent Saxon]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Joel attends math class. Joel likes math because geometry is the basis of [[Rithmatics]]. When Professor [[Layton]] comes to check the previous night's assignment, Joel is caught not having completed it. When Professor Layton dismisses the class he tells Joel to stay. Joel quickly realizes that Layton thinks he cheated to get perfect scores on all his tests. Joel proposes completing the assignment in these last few minutes of the class to prove his abilities and starts doing so. The professor assumes Joel already had the answers and draws a new task on the board. Joel solves it very quickly and points out some inaccuracies in the proportions of the drawing. He demonstrates his ability to draw perfect lines and circles by eye and convinces Layton that he already knew what was taught during this term, along with trigonometry and algebra. Layton agrees to pass Joel.
=== Chapter 4 ===
[[File: Chalkling Bull.svg|125px|center]]
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Melody Muns]]
* [[Charlington]]
* [[Rose]]
* [[Davis]]
* [[Mrs. Saxon]]
* [[Lilly Whiting]] (mentioned only)
* [[Layton]] (mentioned only)
* [[Harris]] (mentioned only)
* [[Peterton]] (mentioned only)
* [[Florence]] (mentioned only)
* [[Langor]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Diagram of the Ballintain defense: [http://i2.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist6.jpg?resize=448%2C614&type=vertical]
Outside of the classroom, Joel finds [[Melody Muns|Melody]] waiting, drawing unicorns in her notebook. She's one of the Rithmatic students in the math class. He is upset that she isn't practicing Rithmatics but she says she wants to spend time doing things that are not related to Rithmatics.
=== Chapter 5 ===
[[File: Chalkling Jaguar.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of a Six-Point Circle: [http://i2.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/rithmatist11.jpg?resize=399%2C621&type=vertical]
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Fitch]]
* [[Nalizar]]
* [[Thomas York]]
* [[Haberstock]]
* [[Yallard]] (mentioned only)
* [[Trent Saxon]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Joel approaches Professor Fitch, who now has to sit at the far end of the professors' table, with the Rithmatic books. Directed to leave by Professor Nalizar, Joel is surprised when Fitch pretends that he asked him to come. Joel returns the books and hands Professor Fitch his application to be his student for summer elective. Professor Fitch tells him that there are always young men trying to join Rithmatist classes but that this is not possible. He suggests Joel study at another university which is more open to teaching Rithmatics to non-Rithmatists. He denies Joel's request to join his summer elective.
=== Chapter 6 ===
[[File: Chalkling Bat.svg|125px|center]]
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Kim]]
* [[Thomas York]]
* [[Florence]]
* [[Exton L. Pratt]]
* [[Nalizar]]
* [[Melody Muns]]
* [[Mrs. Saxon]] (mentioned only)
* [[Trent Saxon]] (mentioned only)
* [[Fitch]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
That night Joel brainstorms other ways of getting assigned to Professor Fitch's summer elective. He decides to fail his Rithmatic history test, hoping that this will cause him to be assigned remedial tutoring with Professor Fitch. Upon handing in his final test (with answers he knows are wrong), Joel is sent to the office. Principal York is about to expel Joel from Armedius when Joel admits that he failed the test on purpose. Hesitant to allow a non-Rithmatist to study with a Rithmatic professor (which goes against tradition), York comes up with a compromise: Joel can be a research assistant to Fitch, who was just assigned a special project by York, provided he can pass his history test. Joel races back to history class and passes his test.
== Part 2 ==
=== Chapter 7 ===
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Fitch]]
* [[Melody Muns]]
* [[Nalizar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Thomas York]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Next morning Joel makes his way to Professor Fitch who is surprised to get Joel as research assistant but thinks it's a good idea. Joel immediately feels at home in Professor Fitch's office among all the Rithmatic diagrams and books scattered about.
=== Chapter 8 ===
[[File: Chalkling Octopus.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram for the Sumsion defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Hextilda McTavish]]
* [[Florence]]
* [[Exton L. Pratt]]
* [[Melody Muns]]
* [[Haberstock]] (mentioned only)
* [[Harding]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Joel takes some food to Florence and Exton in an attempt to find out what is going on. He discovers that there is a rumor that Lilly Whiting didn't disappear, but that she was murdered by a Rithmatist.
=== Chapter 9 ===
[[File: Chalkling Hydra.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram for Osborn defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
* [[Melody Muns]]
* [[Fitch]]
* [[Nalizar]]
;Plot Summary
As Joel researches through the books, he finds Exton in the list of graduates from Armedius. Melody gets sick of tracing, and Fitch decides to teach Melody about keening (anticipating) an opponent. He gives her a lecture about the importance of strategy. Joel and Melody then compete as if they were in a duel. Joel comes out on top and offends Melody by making fun of her poor Rithmatic abilities (although he meant it as lighthearted ribbing).
=== Chapter 10 ===
[[File: Chalkling Mantis.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Eskridge defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel finishes up work on the census records and takes them to Fitch at Warding Hall. Fitch is distracted when he arrives, showing little interest in the records. Fitch then tells Joel that another Rithmatist student has disappeared, [[Herman Libel]]. Joel talks Fitch into letting him help with the actual investigation. They go over the diagrams from Lilly's scene. [[Harding|Inspector Harding]] arrives and fills them in on Herman, while also providing more sketches.
=== Chapter 11 ===
[[File: Chalkling Farmer.svg|125px|center]]
Diagrams from the scene of Lilly Whiting
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel attempts to research Rithmatic lines in the library, but is not allowed into the Rithmatist section. He makes up with Melody and enlists her to escort him into the restricted section. They spy on Nalizar in the library and Joel is suspicious when he checks out a book on unknown Rithmatic symbols. Afterward, Joel teaches Melody about the [[Rithmatics#Jordan Defense|Jordan defense]], which will highlight her strength (making chalklings) while hiding her weakness (drawing lines).
=== Chapter 12 ===
[[File: Chalkling Centipede.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of Herman Libel's disappearance
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Parents of Rithmatist students begin pulling their children out of Armedius Academy. Inspector Harding stations police on school grounds and initiates a lockdown of the campus. When Joel mentions his suspicions of Professor Nalizar, Harding reveals that he fought alongside Nalizar at [[Nebrask]] and considers him a hero.
=== Chapter 13 ===
[[File: Chalkling Assassin.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Jordan defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Melody invites Joel out for ice cream, hoping that he'll tell her more about the investigation with Professor Fitch in return for information about the inception ceremony. They get to know one another. Melody describes how being a Rithmatist makes her feel trapped. Joel reveals that the death of his father caused him to miss the standard July 4th inception ceremony. Melody explains some of the theory behind making chalklings after he mentions that he doesn't know much about them. Joel discovers just how poor his family is after learning how much Melody's allowance is. Melody generously gives him money to pay for their date (so he doesn't feel emasculated) and gives him an extra dollar to keep.
=== Chapter 14 ===
[[File: Chalkling Serpent.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of Lines of Vigor Part 1: Basic Usage
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel and Melody read a newspaper detailing confidential information about the investigation that Joel is working with Professor Fitch on, the exact information that Joel agreed to tell Melody.
=== Chapter 15 ===
[[File: Chalkling Flytrap.svg|125px|center]]
Instructions for instructing chalklings
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel, Professor Fitch and Inspector Harding travel to East Carolina to investigate the crime scene while it's still fresh. Harding reveals that he was at the Calloway estate the previous night, trying to convince Charles's father, [[Didrich Calloway]], that his son would be safer at Armedius than at home. Joel and Fitch discover that the mysterious symbols found at the crime scene are a new type of Rithmatic line.
=== Chapter 16 ===
[[File: Chalkling Bear.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Shoaff defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Inside Charles's room, they find the remains of a large battle. Charles had managed a strong defense against the attack, but was eventually overwhelmed. He left a description of his assailant, the [[Scribbler]], and the strange wild chalklings that had no shape and reformed when destroyed. Joel spots a chalkling spying on them and gives chase. Its creator turns out to be Melody, who followed them to learn more about the investigation. Inspector Harding begins to suspect that she might be behind the attacks, but Joel vouches for her.
=== Chapter 17 ===
[[File: Chalkling Shark.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of Nine Point Circles
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel reads a book about the [[Tower of Nebrask]]. He comes across Professor Fitch reading his report on the census data; Fitch lies about finding something interesting. Melody delivers a summons for Joel to visit the office; on his way, he sees people protesting Rithmatists. Back at the principal's office, Joel asks Exton about him attending Armedius (a fact which surprises Florence). Exton refuses to talk about it. Joel confides his suspicions of Nalizar to Principal York. York agrees that Nalizar is suspicious and reveals that he regrets hiring him. Joel shows York the strange Rithmatic symbol, and York thinks it looks familiar.
=== Chapter 18 ===
[[File: Chalkling Eagle.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of strengths in lines
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel finally remembers where he had seen the strange symbol before -- his father's old workshop. On his way to investigate, he runs into Melody, who claims she knows how to make him into a Rithmatist. She convinces him to try to redo his inception ceremony and is confident that it will work this time. They find the symbol among Joel's father's notes and show Professor Fitch. After examining the notes, Fitch explains that Joel's father was convinced that there were more than four types of Rithmatic lines and that he had contracts with multiple Rithmatic academies that would pay him a lot of money if he discovered one. While he did discover one (the mysterious symbol), he was never able to discover the intent of the line, so it never worked. He traveled all over the world in pursuit of his mission, which is how the Saxon family's large debts were incurred. Mrs. Saxon finds them in the workshop and decides that enough time has past that they can move back in.
=== Chapter 19 ===
[[File: Chalkling Gator.svg|125px|center]]
Article of types of chalklings
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel attends a church service presided over by Father Stewart. He studies the stained glass windows showing pictures of the Rithmatic lines and the important historical figures who discovered them. Melody convinces Father Stewart to allow Joel to undergo a second inception ceremony by causing a scene.
=== Chapter 20 ===
[[File: Chalkling Shiva.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of Binding chalklings
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Joel reads a book about the history of Rithmatics. He is confused by a mention about a pocket watch saving [[Gregory III|King Gregory III]], the founder of Rithmatics, from an attack by [[Chalkling#Wild Chalklings|wild chalklings]].
=== Chapter 21 ===
[[File: Chalkling Death.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram about Anchoring Defensive Circles with Lines of Forbiddance.
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
The night before his inception, Joel is again stricken with insomnia. He can't stop thinking about his potential future as a Rithmatist. He reads a first hand account of a settler whose family was attacked by wild chalklings. He hears a sound outside his window and, upon investigation, discovers the mysterious symbol. He is under attack by the Scribbler!
=== Chapter 22 ===
[[File: Chalkling Rook.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of bouncing Lines of Vigor off of Lines of Forbiddance
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
The next morning, Inspector Harding arrests Exton. He claims to have proof that Exton was behind the kidnappings and attack on Joel. Joel believes Exton is innocent and Melody agrees.
=== Chapter 23 ===
[[File: Chalkling Turtle.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Taylor defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
After the ceremony, Joel wants to be alone, and heads to his father's workshop. He reads some articles on the desk and discovers a drawing of the same strange being he encountered in the chamber of inception.
=== Chapter 24 ===
[[File: Chalkling Pegasus.svg|125px|center]]
Joel's Sketch of the Rithmatic dorms' second floor that night
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Professor Fitch uses an elaborate Taylor defense defend himself from Harding. Joel and Melody assist by trapping a third of the attacking chalklings in a maze. Fitch gains the upper hand and subdues Harding using a Line of Revocation. Per Joel's suggestion, Fitch uses a clock to freeze the wild chalklings. Joel throws a bucket of acid to defeat the [[Forgotten]] that was possessing Harding. The wild chalklings then turn into the missing victims of the Scribbler (both at Nebrask and Armedius). Melody is reunited with William.
=== Chapter 25 ===
[[File: Chalkling Dragon.svg|125px|center]]
Diagram of the Advanced Easton defense
* [[Joel Saxon]]
;Plot Summary
Exton is freed and Joel, Melody, Professor Fitch and Professor Nalizar are lauded as heroes.
