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|No. ''No.'' I can’t do this without you.
|Wayne to Wax as Wax began to die{{book ref|bom|27}}
Wayne fell down a pit filled with spikes, but healed. He found Wax in a cave, who was trapped by a huge piece of rock. Wayne fought Edwarn, who fled. Wayne tried to free Wax but couldn’t, and wept as Wax died.{{book ref|bom|27}} After Telsin took MeLaan’s spikes, turning her into a [[mistwraith]], Wayne found her and shot her in the face with Wax’s shotgun. He knew her gold metalminds would heal her, but it is unclear wether his surmounting of his gun-phobia was temporary or not. He retrieved both MeLaan’s spikes, and ReLuur’s spike. He then used MeLaan’s spikes to restore her to consciousness.{{book ref|bom|29}}