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While on a train ride to the Outer Estates, Miles attacked their train and Wax managed to fight him off.{{book ref|aol|13}} They visited [[Ranette]] for help, though Wayne received a cold reception, Ranette threatening to shoot them. Wayne bribed Ranette into letting them in, using an aluminum gun he’d stolen from the investigation scene at the wedding. Wax laid out a plan, and Wayne stole some shipping manifests.{{book ref|aol|14}} Later, at a train station, Wayne disguised himself as an old lady to discover more information about the [[Breaknaught]], a heavily protected train designed to withstand attacks from the Vanishers. Wayne and some others caused some chaos, faking an attack. Wayne used the chaos to throw a “wounded” Wax into the train car, then proceeded to lock the door.{{book ref|aol|16}}
Wayne and Marasi watched the train from a hillside one evening, and observed how the Vanishers pulled off their robberies, by using a piece of machinery to replaceswap out the train car.{{book ref|aol|17}} While Wax attacked from the train car, Wayne and Marasi followed to their hideout to provide assistance. Wayne got into the thick of the fighting at the Vanisher hideout alongside Wax, while Marasi acted as a sniper from above.{{book ref|aol|18}}
When Tarson took Marasi hostage, Wayne threw up a speed bubble for Wax, who managed to pull off a near impossible shot to kill Tarson. Wax then had a close quarters fight with Miles, Marasi discreetly burning cadmium to give Wayne time to go alert the constabulary. The constables arrived in time, and managed to capture Miles through sheer numbers.{{book ref|aol|19}}