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Wax and Steris were scheduled to have their wedding in a Survivorist church, and Wayne sent a note to Wax telling him he wouldn’t be there. Wayne had “the lads” sabatage the wedding, telling them to flood the church. They toppled an entire water tower to flood the church, and Wayne didn’t expect them to go so far. He faked being a head chef for the wedding feast, ordering around young assistants until Marasi came to reprimand him. They talked, and Wayne decided at the end of the conversation to give up on Ranette and move on.{{book ref|Bom|2}}
VenDell, a sixth generation Kandra who wanted to meet with Wax, decided to talk with Marasi instead. Wayne invited them over to Wax’s mansion, along with MeLaan. Wax arrived, and VenDell told them about the nature of Identity and INvestiture, and of the possibilities of [[Feruchemy#Unkeyed metalmindMetalminds|unkeyed]] and [[Feruchemy#Unsealed metalmindMetalminds|unsealed]] metalminds.
Wayne saved MeLaan's life by recovering her [[Hemalurgy|spikes]] from [[Telsin]], who had previously removed them. Haggard from grief due to MeLaan's predicament and the alleged death of Waxillium, Wayne used Wax's shotgun on Telsin, knowing that her gold [[metalmind]]s would heal her. It is unclear if Wayne's surmounting of his gun-phobia was temporary or not.