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=== Chasing Bleeder ===
Wax investigated a series of bodies at [[Winsting Innate|Lord Winsting]]’s manor, where a series of people were killed by a Steelrunner. Knowing that he’d likely need it soon, Wayne began storing up health. Wax wanted Wayne to got to [[The Village]], but Wayne had to preform a special task he always did on the first of the month. He went to [[Elendel University]], sneaking in to meet with [[Allriandre]], the daughter of the man he killed. He offered her the usual monthly stipend that he gives her, and she showed him the picture of her father, forcing him to once again recite his crimes. She once again told him that he isn’t forgiven, and Wayne left.{{book ref|sos|5}} Wayne and Wax visited the home of [[Idashwy]], a known Terris Steelrunner. They found her dead with a hole in her chest. Wax and Wayne determined that the killer used Hemalurgy to steel Idashwy’s Steelrunner abilities.{{book ref|sos|6}}
Wayne and Steris went to [[Lady ZoBell’s Partyparty]], but were turned away by the bouncer. Wayne used his bend alloy to determine that they were on a list of people to be kept out of the party, a petty move by the governor’s bodyguard. Wayne decided to act the part of Professor Hanlanaze, a mathematics professor, to get into the party with Marasi as his assistant. A colleague recognized him, and he threw up a speed bubble while Marasi figured out how to respond to him. Wayne bluffed the man into a hasty retreat and concentrated on eating again.{{book ref|sos|9}} At the party a young woman came up to him and slapped him, saying that he stole an invention from her now-destitute father. Wax found a suspicious server and chased him, Wayne tackling him. Bleeder escaped, and Wayne stayed behind to protect the governor while Wax chased after Bleeder.{{book ref|Sos|10}} Wayne conducted an impersonation of the party staff, and concluded that the server Wax chased was not Bleeder, as the choice of impersonating a new waiter that nobody liked was too obvious.{{book ref|sos|12}}
Wayne went to the temple of the Common Man, a very loose religion revolving around [[Breeze]] and heavily involving alcohol. The temple is a bar, and many people in the place were morose or angry. Wayne cheered up everyone there by improving their beverages, and met [[MiLaan]]. They got off well, having a belching contest before Wax arrived and interrupted them. MiLaan filled them in on more details about Bleeder, saying that they needed to take out her spike, either manually or with a serum inside of a syringe that MiLaan gave to Wax.{{book ref|sos|13}} While Wax investigated Bleeder’s trail of clues, Wayne stayed to guard Governor Innate, later joined by MiLaan.{{book ref|sos|17}} Wayne bonded more with MiLaan during their time guarding Innate, Wax coaching her on her accents.{{book ref|sos|19}}