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After returning to the base, David compared notes with [[Tia]], another of the Reckoners who catalogued Epics, and discussed ranking systems and Epic classifications. The group discussed the viability of assassinating Steelheart, and Megan argued that it was impossible and that the only reason she'd go along with it was because of her respect for Prof. He himself took David to a side room and told him that if he wanted the Reckoners to go with him, he'd have to convince Megan.{{book ref|r1|12}}
David soon began learning how to use [[tensor]]s. While he practiced, he talked with Cody and [[Tia]], another of the Reckoners, learning that Cody used to be a police officer, but quit the force after the Epics took over and began using them as a personal enforcement squad, and how Tia began analyzing exactly what happened on the day of David's father's death to figure out exactly what Steelheart's weakness could be. Prof then arrived to takesend David to a meeting with [[Diamond]] along with [[Abraham]] and Megan.{{book ref|r1|13}}{{book While in the steel ref|r1|14}}
The three soon arrived at the shop. Megan and David conversed about his childhood in the Factory as Abraham browsed the weapons, eventually settling on a high-powered gauss gun that shot bolts of pure energy, although it needed a huge amount of power to do so. David convinced Diamond to throw in a remote detonator disguised as a pen, a proposal to which the weapons dealer readily agreed since Abraham was paying with samples of Epic DNA.{{book ref|r1|16}} However, David suddenly smelled garlic and realized that [[Nightwielder]], one of Steelheart's lieutenants, was there.
David fled with Abraham and Megan to the back of the shop. Although Abraham began to dig through the wall with a set of tensors, he wasn't going very fast, and Nightwielder noticed the empty space on the wall where the gauss gun had been.{{book ref|r1|17}} In imminent danger of discovery, David came up with a split-second plan and stepped out from the shadows holding Abraham's gun, pretending that it was part of the store's stock and he had been polishing it.{{book ref|r1|18}} Nightwielder asked him for its specifications, which he easily gave along with those of a couple others, and David retreated to the back of the room with an idea on how he could test Nightwielder's weakness. He found an ultraviolet scanner with a built in camera, and wandered up to Nightwielder and shone it on him, pretending to be fiddling with the device and having not noticed the Epic.{{book ref|r1|18}} Nightwielder then took the scanner from him and crushed it, but not before David managed to take out the data chip with the recording of whether Nightwielder become corporeal when exposed to ultraviolet light or not, finding upon later examination that he did. Abraham was impressed at this discovery, but Megan was angered at the risk, and when they arrived back at the base, Prof shared her feelings, warning David that if he got one of the Reckoners killed from such a reckless risk, Prof would kill him before any Epics could.{{book ref|r1|19}}{{book ref|r1|20}}
== Things still to Finish ==
==== Betrayal ====