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=== Chapter 9 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Gill]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Sadie]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Jeshua Weight]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
FM and Jorgen are in a two-seat fighter, with a box of yellow taynix bolted to the floor of the cockpit. The rest of Skyward flight is there in case things go wrong, and FM and Jorgen discuss Joshua and the General Assembly while they get in position. FM plays some music as Jorgen concentrates on the taynix, and they suddenly teleport into the debris belt. They are forced to dodge several pieces of debris as the rest of Skyward Flight tries to come up to them. Jorgen focuses on the place he wanted to go, teleporting them out of the way of two giant colliding pieces of debris. Jorgen tells FM that he thinks the Superiority heard him that time, and likely knows that he’s teleporting. Moments later, Cobb comes over the radio, saying that the Superiority is moving their battleships into position, and that their biggest ship has planetary weapons for bombardment. They realize that since the Supercity knows they could potentially escape, they’ve decided to destroy Detritus once and for all.
=== Chapter 10 ===
=== Chapter 11 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Sadie]]
* [[T-Stall]]
* [[Catnip]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Gill]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
When FM arrives at Platform Prime, the place is in chaos as people scramble for fighters. Jorgen’s plane has been outfitted with slugs, and Rig is told to go with FM in her [[Dulo]]. JOrgen tells them that the plan is to use the taynix to launch a suprise attack on the enemy’s planetary cannon. Skyward flight takes off and heads towards where the Krell wait, and FM and Rig listen to music as the the Krell attack.
=== Chapter 11 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Sadie]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[T-Stall]]
* [[Catnip]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
As FM and Skyward Flight fight against swarms of Krell, Jorgen prepares to jump. After teleporting the wrong slug, Jorgen manages to teleport FM and Rig to a point close to the battleship. The planetary cannon itself is heavily protected, but the controls are less shielded. The Krell start heading towards FM as she blasts the controls’ shield with destructor fire. There are too many Krell for the other flights to distract, and as they shoot at FM she is forced to retreat. Jorgen teleports her as her shield takes more hits, and she ends up far from the battle.
The battleship’s cannon begins firing at the outer platforms, sending debris everywhere, and Cobb orders everyone to retreat to Platform Prime. A few armed ships attack FM and Rig, and she defends herself as members of Skyward Flight come to help her. Command manages to get the planetary shield up, which then manages to hold against the cannon. FM and skyward flight can’t get through the shield, and are trapped outside. Cobb sends them orders to hide until they can figure something out.
=== Chapter 12 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Sadie]]
* [[Kimmalyn]]
* [[Arturo Mendez]]
* [[Nedd Strong]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Gill]]
* [[Drape]]
* [[Twist]]
* [[Stallion]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]] (mentioned only)
* [[Spensa Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Skyward flight hides behind a cluster of space rock, and Cobb’s orders say that they’ll have to use the slugs to hyperjump inside the shield. The slugs need time to calm down, so they have to wait a while. FM recommends that they pet the slugs to make them happier, and FM feeds some of them caviar. Jorgen tells FM that he got some sort of Cytonic communication from Spensa, and he saw her in the reflection of his dash. FM and Rig sit in the cockpit together, listening to music and being cuddled by several taynix. FM hints to Rig that she likes him, and they hold hands. Four more ships arrive to teleport inside the shield with them, and they all line up and touch wings. Once everyone is ready, Jorgen teleports them.
=== Chapter 13 ===
* [[Freyja Marten]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]]
* [[Rodge McCaffery]]
* [[Matthew Cobb]]
* [[Jeshua Weight]]
* [[Happy]]
* [[Gill]]
* [[Twist]]
* [[Ziming]]
* [[Fine]] (mentioned only)
* [[Spensa Nightshade]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Jorgen’s hyperjump lands them only a few kilometers away from Platform Prime, and they make it back without incident. Jorgen goes to be debriefed and Rig goes to meet with the Engineering Corps, leaving FM to take care of the slugs. She puts the slugs in their crates, and Rig informs her that they’re going to try using Fine to power the FTL communication device. As they walk, Rig and FM discuss what they fear, and FM admits that she’s afraid of dying to battle and ceasing to exist. They discuss their days in flight school and the taynix, and the topic turns to their experiments. Rig proposes a different kind of experiment, and him and FM kiss briefly.
=== Chapter 14 ===