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;Plot Summary
FM puts the slugs away and visits Jorgen in the infirmary, where he is being bandaged by several curious med techs. TheyFM and Jorgen discuss what happened, and FM expresses her care for the taynix. They go to meet with Cobb, and Rig and Jeshua are there as well. Rig reports that they have been working to get the planetary defense systems up, but that they have to first crack the encryption codes. Jorgen gives a report on their experimenting with the taynix so far, and Cobb tells them that he has received a transmission from Minister Cuna, sent by some method of FTL communication. CunaIn fillsthe message, Cuna gives them details about what happened to them, and tells them that they are trapped on the research outpost of [[Sunreach (station)|Sunreach]]. They promise to help and give them information if the humans send aid. The group discusses how they would get to Sunreach, and Jeshua announces that they are going to wake up Alanik.
=== Chapter 6 ===