Difference between revisions of "Summary:The Way of Kings"

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m (→‎Chapter 46: Child of Tanavast: Deleted Tanavast as Honor was also mentioned, but it's weird. Maybe should include both? idk. The Stormfather mentions them both in the beginning of the chapter, but it's up to interpretation if it counts. So... you may or may not want to undo this.)
(added character lists for I 2 and 3 and chapter 12)
=== Interlude I-1: Ishikk ===
=== Interlude I-2: Nan Balat ===
* [[Balat Davar]] (point of view)
* [[Scrak]]
* [[Wikim Davar]]
* [[Eylita]] (mentioned only)
* [[Shallan Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Lin Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Helaran Davar]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jushu Davar]] (mentioned only)
'''Balat Davar'''
=== Interlude I-3: The Glory of Ignorance ===
* [[Szeth]] (point of view)
* [[Took]]
* [[Ton]]
* [[Amark]]
* [[Avado]] (mentioned only)
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* the [[Nightwatcher]] (mentioned only)
{{Epigraph|Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well. Though, as you are now essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given.}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] (point of view)
* [[Dalinar Kholin]] (point of view)
* [[Elhokar Kholin]]
* [[Torol Sadeas]]
* [[Vamah]]
* [[Renarin Kholin]]
* [[Gallant]]
* the [[Thrill]]
* [[Tarilar]]
* [[Vartian]]
* [[Lomard]]
* [[Wit]]
* [[Bashin]]
* [[Gavilar Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Janala Lustow]] (mentioned only)
* [[Honor]] (mentioned only)
* [[Rilla]] (mentioned only)
* [[Deeli]] (mentioned only)
* [[Navani Kholin]] (mentioned only)
* [[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
'''Adolin Kholin'''