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Holly wakes up in a room with a security guard, only having been asleep for a short time. The guard tells her that fighting is not allowed in the Jolly Racer. He tells her that her friends are already gone, and that they left a voice recorder for her. She takes it, and the man leaves. The voice recording is from her original. She tells Holly that she is going to save Holly a lot of pain by telling her that she was not framed, and that she killed Jonathan.
=== Chapter 14 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
Numb and in shock, Holly processes the news. She goes up to the roof of the nightclub, angry. She crosses from rooftop to rooftop, then stops atop a building to think. She wonders again why she would've killed Jonathan, and what he could've possibly done that would've made her so angry. She reasserts to herself that the only way she would get answers would be to talk to her original. She decides to hunt her original down carefully, then make her tell her what happened before killing her.
=== Chapter 15 ===
*[[Holly Winseed (PR)]]
Holly goes to a bar and orders two drinks on the rocks. She gets some physical pencil and paper, and wonders what information her original put under a biolock. She realizes that her original mightve used dice to randomize where she went. Holly makes a list of eleven places her original might go, then puts them in an order that feels natural. Since seven is the most commonly rolled number, she looked at six and seven, which said to get a hotel room and to change her name. She writes down a list of possible fake names she might use, then sees that her nanites are depleting again. She heads to the renewal station, deciding that Skyler could look up some of the fake name ideas.
=== Chapter 16 ===