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She went over some strange barometric and temperature readings with Brother Benneh, an ardent on the research team. Benneh told her that the temperature and pressure rose in front of a storm, instead of the opposite. Navani theorized that Urthiru's elevation could be affecting the readings, then advised him to dedicate further observation to the matter. She also spoke with some of the engineers, Talnah and Nem, to see if they could discover the secrets of Gavilar's mysterious sphere. After giving them the sphere to study, she ascended to the top of the tower to attend a meeting with Jasnah and Dalinar.
Navani was the first to arrive at the meeting, followed by Adolin, Shallan, and the Mink. Adolin told Navani that Shallan seemed quite fascinated with the Mink and his eccentricities. Once Dalinar arrived, he chided Adolin for displaying a breach in discpline, though Shallan came to Adolin's defense. A bemused Navani observed that his marriage to Shallan had emboldened Adolin to search for his own sense of identity. She broughtmade out a notebookobservations as Shallan and Dalinar used stormlight to summon a massive map of Roshar, which took the Mink by surprise.{{book ref|sa4|15}}
== Relationships ==