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=== Assassination of Gavilar ===
On the night of Gavilar's assassination, Navani was organizing the preparations for the feast that celebrated the Alethi and Parshendi treaty. After speaking with [[Maratham]] about accommodations for the Parshendi and their drums, she encountered Aesudan and two ardents in the palace gardens. She recognized one of the ardents as Rushur Kris, an accomplished artifabrian. Though she tried to speak with Kris about his discoveries, Aesudan used Navani's presence to abruptly end the conversation. Navani then approached the palace steward, who told her that Gavilar was missing from the celebration. Despite her irritation with Gavilar, she dealt with the guests' concerns during the feast, all while making small talk to cover the king's absence.
=== Aftermath of the Assassination ===
After Gavilar's death at the hands of [[Szeth]], Navani was left without a defined position in Alethi society as her son assumed the throne.{{book ref|sa1|Prologue}}
The conversation drifted to mythical creatures that fed on Stormlight, and resulted in Navani inspecting [[Chiri-Chiri]], who immediately went to eat the Stormlight out of the lamp. Rysn explained she got her on the [[Reshi]]-Isles. Navani steered the conversation to practical matters discussing the ship. She offered Rysn a generous compensation for the mission. At Rysn's request, Navani would arrange an endorsement of the mission from Queen [[Fen]] and ensure the ardent on the mission would experiment with new Fabrial technology that could help Rysn deal with her disability.{{book ref|sa3.5|2}}
Navani sendsent [[Rushu]] on the expedition with fabrial technology to experiment. It should allow for making a seat hooverhover in the air, and test the effects of aluminum.{{book ref|sa3.5|5}} Moreover, Navani intentionally send Windrunners on the mission that did not have access to their Shardblades yet, to prevent sending a key to the gate should the enemy hold it.{{book ref|sa3.5|13}} However, she did allow Rushu to take a Soulcaster to help access underground caverns.{{book ref|sa3.5|15}}
=== Evacuation of Hearthstone ===
During the battle between Kaladin and the Fused at [[Hearthstone]], Navani was aboard the [[Fourth Bridge]], an airship that she designed with her team of engineers. Navani took pride in the creation of the Fourth Bridge, a feat that involved utilizing conjoined gemstones and fabrical mechanics on a massive scale. For a moment, she felt a pang of grief, thinking how much Elhokar would've liked to see the Fourth Bridge. She spoke with Kmakl about the future of air transport, then talked with Dalinar about her research on Urithiru. Dalinar told her that he found it impossible to infuse the gemstone pillars at Urithiru. In the middle of their conversation, [[the Mink]] snuck onto the Fourth Bridge and interrupted Dalinar and Navani. He brought up the war between Alethkar and Herdaz, which Dalinar had been responsible for during his days as the Blackthorn. Without asking for Navani's input, Dalinar and the Mink made a deal to let the Mink's remaining forces onto the Fourth Bridge. Though this irked Navani, she attributed the deal to Dalinar's directness with political dealings.
== Relationships ==