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During Gavilar’s last days, he had gone strange. As he had grown more and more distracted, Navani herself had worked to keep squabbling lighteyes from sundering the kingdom.{{book ref|sa3|109}} It is uncertain how much she knew of Gavilar's plans, but she was aware that he had a small gemstone that glowed with a strange light that was somehow dark, similar to the one that Dalinar trapped [[Nergaoul]] in.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
=== Assassination of Gavilar ===
On the night of Gavilar's assassination, Navani was organizing the preparations for the feast that celebrated the Alethi and Parshendi treaty. After speaking with [[Maratham]] about accommodations for the Parshendi and their drums, she encountered Aesudan and two ardents in the palace gardens. She recognized one of the ardents as Rushur Kris, an accomplished artifabrian. Though she tried to speak with Kris about his discoveries, Aesudan used Navani's presence to abruptly end the conversation. Navani then approached the palace steward, who told her that Gavilar was missing from the celebration. Despite her irritation with Gavilar, she dealt with the guests' concerns during the feast, all while making small talk to cover the king's absence.
She eventually excused herself to find Gavilar, whom she discovered in her study. He was speaking to [[Nale]] and [[Kalak]] there. Navani overheard parts of their conversation and glimpsed an array of violet-black spheres, which Gavilar had arranged on the table. Gavilar dismissed Nale and Kalak, stating they would meet again later. Navani expressed an interest in the uncanny spheres he possessed, but Gavilar rebuked her and put the spheres away. This initiated an argument between her and Gavilar, where they discussed Jasnah's failed betrothal to Amaram, Gavilar's disregard for her, and his plans for Alethkar. Though Navani threatened to tarnish his legacy, Gavilar called her a whore, questioning her past decisions and her identity as a scholar. Once he left, an angry Navani inscribed a glyphward praying for his death and burned it. She immediately felt ashamed, yet redid her makeup and returned to the feast.
Following the end of the feast, Navani was visited by a messenger girl, who brought her to the grief-stricken palace steward. The steward told Navani that the Parshendi had assassinated Gavilar. Although Navani didn't believe what happened, the truth sank in when she saw Gavilar's broken body. She initially felt a pang of guilt, wondering if the glyphward worked. However, she soon realized she pitied Gavilar and didn't grieve for him at all. She searched his corpse for the bag of spheres he had, but found nothing. Silently, Navani vowed to herself that she would be the better person in this situation. Letting Gavilar have his legacy and picking up the pieces after his death was the best thing she could do.{{book ref|sa4|Prologue}}
=== Aftermath of Gavilar's Assassination ===
After Gavilar's death at the hands of [[Szeth]], Navani was left without a defined position in Alethi society as her son assumed the throne.{{book ref|sa1|Prologue}}