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Cultivation's Perpendicularity is located in the [[Horneater Peaks]] on Roshar. It is either one or all of the [[Horneater Oceans]], warm bodies of water that allow people to live there despite the high altitude. It's filled with ordinary water at the top; however, beneath this layer, it appears to be made of something else, likely the liquid [[Investiture]] of the [[Shard]] [[Cultivation]].{{book ref|sa2|46}} It's possible that living near Cultivation's Perpendicularity can affect people, as among the [[Unkalaki]]--the Horneaters--there are people calledknown as ''alaii'iku'', or ([[Sighted]]), who are capable of perceiving [[spren]] that are normally invisible to the human eye.{{book ref|sa1|21}}{{ref|text=However, it's also possible that this is the result of their [[Singer]] ancestry, as Singers have been shown to perceive spren more than humans do.}} The Sighted are also considered the guardians of the perpendicularity.{{book ref|sa3.5|15}}
== History ==