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Renarin's visions manifest as fits, wherein he sees a number of scenes represented as stained-glass images, some of them underlined with numbers and words. {{book ref|sa3|120}} These visions can show both past and future events, even of situations where Renarin is not present at the time the event depicted happens.{{book ref|sa3|117}} However, the images of the future are not always right, and what actually happens can diverge from what Renarin sees.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
The visions are the result of [[Glys]]'s corruption by [[Sja-anat]] prior to the formation of the Radiant bond. This changed Glys from the typical light-spot shape to a red snowflake, and has somehow introduced [[Odium]]'s influence to the bond. How far this influence extends is yet to be seen.{{book ref|sa3|115}}
== History ==
{{image|Evi by Botanicaxu.jpg|side=left|height=300px|a young Renarin with [[Adolin]] and [[Evi]]}}
=== Early Life (1154-1167) ===
Renarin grew up with his family in Kholinar as the second son of the highprince. He was born while his father, Dalinar, was away on a military campaign against the [[Veden]]s. [[Evi]] asked Dalinar via [[spanreed]] request for a name, and so Evi named her son herself. ''Renarin'' was a combination of the Riran name Re, and the Alethi words ''Nar'' ("like unto") and ''In'' ("to be born unto"). When Dalinar learned of this, he disliked the name, interpreting it as ''Like one who was born unto himself''.{{book ref|sa3|52}}
|It's come, it’s come, it’s come, it’s come. We’re dead. We’re dead. We’re dead.  .  .  .
|Renarin's mantra{{book ref|sa2|85}}
After Kaladin returned from his trip through Alethkar Renarin went with the other members of Bridge Four back to the Shattered Plains for a training session. Rock invited Renarin to help him bake the bread for the rest of the squad. As they worked together they discussed Renarin's role in Bridge Four now that most of the members were becoming [[Windrunner]] [[squire]]s. Later, caravan carrying Rock's family was being attacked by Fused and the bridgemen raced to defend it. Renarin went and brought Adolin and two companies of troops to the scene. While the soldiers he brought arrived too late to help, Renarin's healing saved several men's lives.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
After Jasnah's return, Renarin attended a meeting of brightladies and artifabrians talking about the function of Urithiru and how the gemstone pillar might work. He shared the idea that the city might be one big fabrial rather than several, and was insulted by [[Janala]], who called him feminine. Navani started to come to his defense, but Shallan, already vexed by Janala, jumped in instead to defend him. Renarin later thanked Shallan and had a conversation with her about Jasnah, in which he gave her the idea to go to Kholinar as part of the strike team as a spy. When the meeting resumed, Dalinar arrived, which gave Renarin the confidence to actively watch the rest of the proceedings.{{book ref|sa3|44}} At a later meeting with the scholars Renarin, with the help of his visions,{{book ref|sa3|117}} discovered and opened the [[Urithiru gem archive|Gem Archive]] revealing hundreds of gemstones containing recordings from the Knights Radiant of the past.{{book ref|sa3|53}}
When Dalinar went to [[Thaylen City]] and saw the hospitals full of people wounded by the Everstorm he sent for Renarin who came and healed many of the injured. When the Thaylens he healed tried thanking him, he directed them to Dalinar, who he "blamed"gave credit for the healing.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
Renarin continued to attend meetings with the other scholars. He tried to find a pattern in the way the stones in the gem archive were stored but he was unsuccessful. Jasnah wanted him to stay with the scholars for longer, but Navani noticed how happy he was with the other bridgemen and encouraged him to spend more time with his fellow squadmembers instead.{{book ref|sa3|104}} Navani had Renarin try to push Stormlight into the heart of the tower in an attempt at restoring the tower's full functions, but he was not able to make it stick.{{book ref|sa3|109}}
Renarin went with Dalinar, Jasnah, and Navani to Thaylen City for a meeting of all the members of the coalition. On their way to the meeting room Renarin asked [[Kdralk]] if the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]] contained any large gemstones. This was likely due to Glys showing him a vision about how [[perfect gem]]s would be important in the coming battle, but he did not tell Kdralk why he wanted to know. During the meeting Kdralk made a point of sitting next to Renarin and talking with him. Soon before the news of the translation of the [[Eila Stele]] arrived Renarin excused himself from the meeting and left the room.{{book ref|sa3|111}}
During the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] Renarin sat in the temple of [[Pailiah]] seeing visions of the future, manifesting as panes of stained glass combining and melting together.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} Jasnah realized that something was not right with him and came to the temple intending to kill him and end threat he, as a corrupted Radiant, posed to the the rest of mankind. When she saw Glys floating in the air above Renarin's back she compared it to the sketch [[Jochi]] had given her she concluded that Renarin was not an actual Truthwatcher. She summoned [[Ivory]] as a Shardblade and prepared herself to do what she thought was necessary.{{book ref|sa3|115}} While she stood over him, Renarin watched his father give in and become Odium's champion.{{book ref|sa3|116}} He saw himself coming to the city with Dalinar and the betrayal that happened at the meeting. He saw himself kneeling in another pane of glass as Jasnah killed him, burning his eyes out.{{book ref|sa3|117}}
== Relationships ==
{{image|Adolin, Dalinar and Renarin by Tara Spruit.jpg|side=left|width=300px|With his father and brother}}
Renarin is very close to Adolin, and respects him greatly. The brothers showshare a high level of trust and friendship. Renarin also has a very strong relationship with his father, and he wishes to be a son of whom Dalinar can be proud. He shows a high level of respect and obedience to his father's wishes, and occasionally acts as a mediator shouldwhen his brother and father have a disagreementdisagreements.
Outside of his family, Renarin is not shown to have many relationships, however the King's [[Wit]] has taken particular note of him. Wit teases Renarin whenever they meet, though it is good-natured, and Wit tells Dalinar that he teases Renarin to try to help him overcome some of his nervousness and shyness.