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m (→‎History: put all in past tense; added a detail)
|Vivenna, visiting the D'Denir garden{{book ref|wb|25}}
Modern citizens of Nalthis dodid not know that Kalad and Peacegiver arewere the same person.{{book ref|wb|7}} The records from that era were all destroyed.{{book ref|wb|32}} Kalad iswas thought of as power-hungry and dangerous,{{book ref|wb|7}} while Peacegiver iswas believed to have defeated Kalad{{book ref|wb|15}} and ended the Manywar through diplomacy and negotiation, saving Hallandren.{{book ref|wb|28}}{{book ref|wb|58}} [[Hoid]] showsshowed up in Hallandren, and knowsknowing more about the true nature of Kalad than most, but even he doesdid not know all of the specifics.{{wob ref|6973}} Hallandren legends reflectreflected the destructive power of the Phantoms;{{book ref|wb|32}}{{book ref|wb|15}} they are mostly thought of as mythical,{{book ref|wb|54}} although some people still believebelieved that they arewere real.{{book ref|wb|43}}{{book ref|wb|55}} The phrase "Kalad's Phantoms" hashad entered the vernacular as a curse.{{book ref|wb|30}}
|Vasher{{book ref|wb|58}}
After [[Bluefingers]] betraysbetrayed Hallandren and co-optsopted an army of Lifeless, Vasher revealsrevealed his true nature to [[Siri]], [[Vivenna]], and [[Susebron]].{{book ref|wb|58}} He tellstold them that at least one thousand of the oldest D'Denir arewere actually his Phantoms, and, givesat themVivenna's urging, gave Susebron his security phrase.{{book ref|wb|58}} As [[God King]], Susebron hashad over fifty thousand Breaths{{book ref|wb|55}} and iswas therefore able to reanimate all of the Phantoms; he then sendssent them to stop the Lifeless army from marching on Idris.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}} The Phantoms easily destroydestroyed the army, and they remainremained in Siri and Susebron's control.{{wob ref|7479}} Vasher iswas left feeling cynical about reactivating a weapon like the Phantoms.{{book ref|wb|epilogue}}
== Notes ==