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(→‎Uniting Roshar (1174 - ): finished chapter 38)
Next Dalinar asked the Stormfather bring him, Navani, and Jasnah into the [[Dalinar%27s_visions#Broken_People|Broken People]] vision so they could learn from the past. First Dalinar entered on his own, and then fought through a group of wild men, losing an arm in the process. After a [[Stoneward]] helped Dalinar and his companions reach safety he let his Stormlight heal his arm and asked the Stormfather to bring in the women. Navani was quickly distracted by a Regrowth fabrial, and after a brief discussion with Dalinar praising his bravery in sharing the visions instead of hiding them, Jasnah went off in another direction to investigate on her own. After she pestered the Radiant with the fabrial to let her look at it, Navani and Dalinar walked through the battlefield together. Dalinar asked the Stormfather to include Navani in his responses and they discussed the events of Aharietiam as they explored together. When they reached the place where the nine Honorblades had been stuck into the ground in a circle by the surviving Heralds they stopped walking and Dalinar demanded to know the full story. The Stormfather then related the story of the [[Oathpact]] and the [[Last Desolation]] as he remembered it.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
He told them how the ten [[Heralds]] went to [[Honor]] and created the Oathpact to seal the [[Fused]] in [[Damnation]] to prevent their immediate rebirth. He told them how after millenia of repeated Desolations, the Heralds had given up and had abandoned [[Talenel]] in Damnation to hold off the Voidbringers on his own. Dalinar realized, and the Stormfather confirmed, that the madman who had come to Kholinar with a Shardblade had indeed been the Herald Talenel, broken after four and a half millennia, coming to warn humankind of the coming Desolation. The Stormfather told Dalinar that with Taln's return and the other Herald's betrayal the Oathpact had been weakened to the point of destruction. Navani asked the Stormfather if this was what had caused the [[Recreance]] but the Stormfather said that that was a deeper secret and refused to tell it to them, saying that it would cause Dalinar and his Radiants to abandon their oaths as their predecessors had. Dalinar protested that he would not abandon his oaths no matter what but the Stormfather said there was no way he could know that and still refused to tell him. Dalinar worried that not knowing this secret would come back to bite them later, but he knew that there was nothing for him to do about it but wait.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
He told them how the ten [[Heralds]] went to [[Honor]] and created the Oathpact to seal the [[Fused]] in [[Damnation]] to prevent their immediate rebirth. He told them how after millenia of repeated Desolations, the Heralds had given up.
=== Oathbringer ===