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|Surely you see. A queen would have to be either stupid or desperate to let an Alethi army into the very center of her city. I’ve been the former at times, and I might be approaching the latter, but … storms, Kholin. No. I’m not going to be the one who finally lets Thaylenah fall to you people. And on the off chance that you’re sincere, then I’m sorry
|Queen [[Fen Rnamdi]] replying to Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Fen said that she was too busy caring for her city which had been hit hard by the Everstorm and didn't have time to be bothered by his attempts at tempting her into a coalition. Dalinar tried to offer her troops and supplies to help her rebuild if they could join together, but her refusal was firm. He tried again saying that it was not the time for her to try to fight on her own, but again she refused. She said that she was not gullible enough to allow Alethi troops into her city. Dalinar thanked her for her time, told her that his offer remained on the table, and left the room to find some fresh air and clear out his frustration.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
After walking through the halls of Urithiru for an hour, [[Lyn]] caught up to him saying that Bridge Four had found something that needed his attention. When he arrived at the balcony where they were waiting for him he found [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] protruding from the planter box where it had landed after Adolin had dropped it out of a window higher up in the tower. Even though he used a handkerchief to pick up the blade and did not directly touch the metal he still heard the blade's scream in his mind. Dalinar put the blade on his shoulder and carriedwent to the Sadeas part of the tower. On his way there he asked the Stormfather if it was possible to [[Ialairevive Sadeas]]the blade.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
When he found [[Ialai Sadeas|Ialai]] in her chambers, with Amaram at her side, he set the blade on the floor and turned to leave. Ialai expressed her surprise that he was giving it to her unconditionally and Dalinar, wearily, told her that he was not the one who had killed her husband. Afterwards Amaram lectured Dalinar, calling him a hypocrite, and Daliner stormed off to his chambers. When he reached his outer common room he found Taravangian sitting by the [[heatrial]] that Navani had installed there.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
=== Oathbringer ===