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== Chapter 13 ==
Not wanting to risk bystanders, Wax Pushes himself to the roof of the railcar. Their battle is intense with Wax barely managing to hold out against the nearly immortal Miles. Mid-battle, Miles tries to convince Wax of his ideology shortly before knocking Wax off the train.
Wax and Miles fight atop the train. Wax throws Miles off the top of the train. Marasi fixes up Wax's injuries
Pushing on the railway tracks Wax manages to catch up to the train. Tossing Miles a spent cartridge and Pushing sends Miles flying off of the train this time. Unable to Push, Miles is stranded on the tracks.
Wax speaks to the engineers, saying they couldn't stop the train under orders, even if they heard gunfire. Wayne and Marasi had been trapped in their cars; lengths of metal jammed into the locked mechanisms on the outer doors.
Marasi tends to Wax's wounds and they decide on a safehouse to avoid Miles should he attack again. They deduce that the safest place right now is Ranette's. Wax jokes that it might not be "safe" anywhere near Ranette.
== Chapter 14 ==