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Elhokar, frustrated at his lack of power, tried to abdicate the Alethi throne to Dalinar, who refused to let him do it. Instead, Dalinar gave up his claim to the Kholin lands entirely in exchange for leadership of Urithiru, outside of Alethkar’s authority. Elhokar’s anxiety is for the safety of the Alethkar capital, [[Kholinar]]. Dalinar didn’t want Elhokar going on his own, and Elhokar asked that [[Kaladin]] to go with him.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
Dalinar’s attempts to reach out to other world leaders began badly as his memories of Rathalas. Though he could contact them through spanreed conversations, they were reticent to give him anything. Dalinar’s reputation as a warmongering general hashad harmed thehis attemptattempts at peacemaking. The [[Gawx|Emperor]] of [[Azir]] refused to budge, telling the Alethi that their Oathgate didn’t function as a portal. The [[Fen|Queen]] of [[Thaylenah]] wrote over spanreed that the Voidbringers had sailed off and that there was no need for a coalition. However, one person answers Dalinar’s plea to join forces: King [[Taravangian]].{{book ref|sa3|12}}
The inspection of the honorblade Dalinar had in his possession led him to the discussion of Odium and his weaknesses, namely whether Odium could be bound by oaths. The Stormfather confirmed it. The suggestion that a contest of champions between Odium and the Knights Radiant could hold Odium off were his champion to be defeated. Winning time would be a worthy goal for Dalinar’s side, whereas time was meaningless to Odium.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
Shortly afterwards [[Ialai Sadeas]] arrived at the meeting accompanied by [[Meridas Amaram]]. Adolin stepped toward Amaram staring murder at him but Dalinar restrained him from doing anything to the man. Dalinar attempted to welcome Ialai and thank her for joining the meeting. She replied that she had only come because it was a convenient place to find all of the highprinces assembled together. She proceeded to announce that she had chosen Amaram to be the new highprince of the Sadeas princedom, a clear gesture showing her disregard for what Dalinar thought. After Elhokar gave his approval, Dalinar acknowledged Amaram as the new Sadeas highprince, and Adolin called Amaram a bastard and stormed out of the room.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
=== Oathbringer ===
In order to record his story, Dalinar asked [[Navani]] to teach him how to read and write. [[Oathbringer (in-world)|Oathbringer]] was penned in his own hand.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==