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m (→‎A House Divided: changed quote into two sidequotes)
m (→‎A House Divided: fixed name)
As they move away from the staging ground Dalinar asks Adolin why there are no shardplate-like suits for workmen and why the Radiants only fashioned weapons. Adolin admits he doesn't know but theorizes that perhaps it was because war was the most important thing around. Dalinar agrees dejectedly, marking the fact as just another condemnation of the Radiants. As they continue on their inspection Dalinar asks Adolin if he feels the Thrill. This startles Adolin as the bloodlust is not usually discussed amongst soldiers but he acknowledges that he does. Dalinar doesn't reply when Adolin wonders if everyone does and he is quick to catch the pain in his father's eyes. Adolin wishes for his father to return to his confident, if a bit deluded, self as it is better than this.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
As they continue on their inspections Adolin allows his mind to wander, thinking about MashalaMalasha and a new woman who has caught his interest: [[Danlan Morakotha]]. He also remarks on the good things his father has done for the camp, such as paying half the cost for the families of [[Darkeyes|darkeyed]] soldiers to come to the Shatterd Plains. Dalinar wonders what will happen to the warcamps when they leave, as they are now a [[Wikipedia:De facto|de facto]] Alethi province. Dalinar continues, wondering what will happen to the value of gemhearts if they keep capturing them at the rate they are. He tells Adolin that these will be things he will have to consider and Adolin wonders what his father means.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
Dalinar makes Adolin inspect of the Fifth Battalion for him. When he is finished his father tells him he has learned well though Adolin believes Dalinar is reading too much into a simple inspection. When they interview the men Sadeas investigated the other day his father makes Adolin take the lead in the questioning. The men reveal that Sadeas—who they all agree is an eel—asked them what their duties around camp were. They tell Adolin that they revealed nothing to Sadeas, or at least nothing that would get House Kholin in trouble. Adolin notes that if they acted this way around Sadeas it would seem more incriminating than if they had cut the girth themselves. The men tell them that they didn't notice any tampering with the king's saddle but that no one was exactly looking for it either. When they leave Adolin and Dalinar agree that while the men are loyal they may have made matters more difficult for them.{{book ref|sa1|28}}