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== Battle at the Shipyard ==
The battle beganbegins as soon as the DDF Flight School graduation wasis over, as the DDF quickly launchedlaunches eleven full flights and five scouting trios, totaling eighty-seven pilots. The DDF also calledcalls in all of its reserves from the [[deep caverns]]. The pilots approached the shipyard and Ironsides askedasks the scouting trios for fighter estimates on the Krell. The scouting trios determineddetermine that a first wave of Krell containedcontains fifty starfighters, while a second wave carriedcarries another fifty starfighters. Both sides understoodunderstand the titanic consequences the battle would have.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Ironsides orderedorders [[Riptide Flight|Riptide]], [[Valkyrie Flight|Valkyrie]], [[Tungsten Flight|Tungsten]], and [[Nightmare Flight|Nightmare]] Flights to provide cover fire for the inside flights protecting the shipyard from a Krell bombing. One of the flightleaders reportedreports a bomber, with a confirmation from three other ships. Scout [[Cloak]] gavegives a scouting confirmation, and Ironsides orderedorders the pilots to drive it away, at the risk of pushing it towards [[Alta Base]], more than two hours away. One of the flightleaders toldtells Ironsides that they had the [[lifebuster]] on the run, but that it was headed towards Alta. Cloak informedinforms Ironsides that the bomber wasis faster than most, so Ironsides orderedorders the scouting contingents to move to intercept the lifebuster. The flightleader of Valkyrie flight toldtells Ironsides they wereare down to three pilots and requestedrequest support, only for their line to go short. Another pilot toldtells Ironsides that Valkyrie flight would be absorbed into their flight. Ironsides then orderedorders a full offensive to protect the shipyard, and all the flightleaders gavegive a verbal confirmation.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Cloak toldtells Ironsides that the bomber wasis moving extremely fast, hadhas an escort of ten ships, and could easily get in blast range of Alta Base, so Ironsides ordered toldorders her to engage it with just her flight of twelve scouts. Both the battle at the shipyard and around the bomber continuedcontinue for some time, before Cloak finally reportedreports that the bomber had been destroyed and that the lifebuster was falling to the ground and ordered all of the scouts to get clear before it exploded. It hithits close enough to Alta Base that Spensa could hear the explosions from underground in [[Igneous Cavern]]; after it exploded, Ironsides congratulatedcongratulates Cloak, only to be told by [[FM]] that Cloak didn't make it out of the blast and that only three scouts survived. Ironsides then orderedorders the three survivors to return to the battle at the shipyard.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
== Second Lifebuster ==
Shortly thereafter, a woman from antiaircraft gun outpost fourth-seven reportedreports that it, as well as outposts fourth-six and fourth-eight, hadhave been hit by the lifebuster blast and are destroyed. The gunner who gave the report then askedasks Ironsides if she had a nearby debris fall on her radar. The gunner tooktakes out a pair of binoculars and reportedreports multiple Krell ships dropping through the debris field, right over where the destroyed antiaircraft gun outposts. The gunner toldtells Ironsides to scramble the reserves, not knowing all the reserves wereare out fighting at the shipyard. Ironsides orderedorders Riptide Flight to return to Alta Base immediately, but their flightleader informedinforms her that even at Mag-10 it would take over thirty minutes.{{book ref|sky1|48}}
Ignoring the defect, Spensa ranruns to the DDF hangars and askedasks [[Dorgo]] if she couldcan fly [[Arturo]]'s ship, Skyward Five. He toldtells her it wasis barely functional, no shields and poor steering, but it hadhas destructors and ejection. Spensa gotgets in the ship and tooktakes off for the rogue lifebuster.
Admiral Ironsides stoodstands in command room, watching a hologram of the fifteen Krell ships, lifebuster included, approach Alta Base unopposed. Suddenly, rising from the hangars appearedappears a single red dot, who flight command confirmedconfirms wasis Skyward Ten: Spensa.{{book ref|sky1|49}}
Ironsides gavegives Spensa a heading for the Krell force, eight minutes away from the death zone, telling Spensa she couldcan make it in two. Spensa toldtells her she might have a few reinforcements coming, and headedheads towards the force without a shield.
Spensa gotgets a visual confirmation on the lifebuster, so Ironsides gavegives her the order to shoot it down, regardless of how close it wasis to Alta Base. Spensa engagedengages and immediately gainedgains twelve tails. They chasedchase her around, trying to draw her away from the lifebuster, but she stayedstays focused and scoredscores a few hits on the bomber, which its shield absorbedabsorbs. She continuedcontinues dogfighting with the escort, and foundfinds that she couldcan faintly hear the commands being sent to the Krell ships and wasis able to actreact onto them before the Krell.
All of the junior admirals gatheredgather around Ironsides, gazes locked on the hologram of Spensa weaving in and out of destructor blasts. All of the remaining flights hadhave been disengaged from the battle forat the shipyard, and wereare on their way back to Alta Base. They knew they would be too late, so all of Alta and Igneous' hopes rode on Spensa.
Spensa countedcounts five hits on the lifebuster when Jorgen contactedcontacts her via the general comm line. He askedasks how she was's doing and informedinforms her that he wasis with Riptide Flight, streaking toward Alta Base at Mag-10. Suddenly, Spensa wasgets hit, on the nose of her ship, disabling her destructors. ItThe wasshot came from one of the sleek black ships whose commands she couldncan't hear. Ironsides informedinforms Spensa she hadhas full authority to shoot the ship down even if it reachedreaches the death zone. The lifebuster wasis one minute away from the death zone, and with no weapons, Spensa resolvedresolves to kamikaze into the lifebuster. Ironsides askedasks what she wasis doing, and Spensa informedinforms her of her weapons malfunction. Ironsides understoodunderstands and gavegives her a solemn wishword of good luck. Spensa streakedstreaks toward the lifebuster, nose still on fire, when her battered ship finally gavegives out. The acclivity rings on the bottom of her ship gavegive out, and she undershotundershoots the lifebuster and startedstarts spiraling towards the ground.{{book ref|sky1|50}}
== Return of M-Bot ==
Instead of ejecting, Spensa wasis able to control her starfighter and guide it to the ground. She skiddedskids into the ground just as Arturo informedinforms Ironsides that he, Nedd, and Kimmalyn hadhave successfully stolen their parents' private craft and wereare headed toward the Krell. Flight Command informedinforms Spensa that a Krell ship wasis coming to destroy her wreckage, but she toldtells them she was's stuck in her straps. The Krell ship openedopens fire, only for its destructor blasts to be blocked by the shield of a W-shaped large fighter, M-Bot. Cobb calledcalls into Flight Command as Mongrel and toldtells Spensa to hang on. Cobb slammedslams the Krell into the ground using M-Bot's light-lance, then skimmedskims towards Spensa's ship. Cobb gotgets out and helpedhelps Spensa out of her ship, then toldtells her she hadhas to fly M-Bot and go take out the bomber. Spensa toldtells him she could hear the Krell commands, so he toldtells her to ignore the defect, that she wasnisn't predestined to destroy the DDF, but that she couldcan choose to save it. M-Bot toldtells Spensa he rewrote his code to identify Spensa as his pilot, thus forcing him to follow the commands of his new pilot and fight.  Spensa gotgets in M-Bot and firedfires onup his systems, everything but his stealth mode, so the Krell wouldwill see her coming.{{book ref|sky1|51}}
Several powerful families informedinform Ironsides that they wereare escaping as the last line of emergency gun emplacements informedinform her that the Krell fighters wereare coming close to engage them. She then mademakes contact with Arturo, ordering him to shoot down the lifebuster, regardless of the effect it wouldmight have on Alta Base. He gives confirmation, just as Rikolfr informedinforms Ironsides of an unidentified fighter approaching the battle at Mag-20. Spensa then identifiedidentifies herself over the comm line as Skyward Eleven.
Spensa spedspeeds towards the lifebuster in M-Bot, his shield lit up due to the heat of air resistance, as he informedinforms her that all of his systems but cytonic hyperdrive, self-repair, and destructors wereare online. Spensa connectedconnects with Kimmalyn and Nedd over the general comm line, informing them of her talking ship's capabilities. Spensa then flewflies through the center of the Krell force and immediately gainedgains a tail if thirteen ships. Nedd toldtells Spensa that Riptide Flight wasis a minute and a half away, so Spensa toldtells him she'd distract most of the Krell, but she neededneeds Nedd a dand Kimmalyn to try to drive away the lifebuster. Ironsides toldtells her to shoot it on sight, but Spensa toldtells her they might not need to do thatso.
Spensa dove through the Krell, dodging their destructor blasts, anticipating their movements before they made them, even able to feel the lines of electricity giving orders through M-Bot's fuselage. When the lifebuster reachedreaches two minutes away, the flightleader of Riptide Flight, [[Terrier]], calledcalls in through the general comm line, asking who Spensa wasis. Jorgen toldtells him it didndoesn't matter, and Spensa toldtells him to focus everything he hadhas on taking out the three black Krell interceptors. FM and Jorgen flewfly close to the bomber, activating an IMP to bring its shield down, and Kimmalyn firedfires a destructor blast on the exact spot holding the bomb to the ship. The ship keptkeeps flying, but the bomb fellfalls out. All of the fighters, DDF and Krell, overburnedoverburn out, except Spensa.{{book ref|sky1|52}}
Ironsides and her junior admirals satsit in the command room, weeping and praying as the lifebuster fellfalls towards the ground. All the starfighters but one spedspeed away from the bomb.
Spensa spearedspears the bomb with her light-lance and shotshoots away at Mag-16, passing through a group of DDF pilots. M-Bot calculatedcalculates that they would make it outside the death zone of Alta Base, but that they would be in the middle of the blast. Spensa sanksinks into the ship, feeling M-Bot's processors, then M-Bot toldtells her that thehis biological component washas been engaged and that his cytonic hyperdrive wasis online. Spensa engagedengages the hyperdrive and shotshoots away from the blast in a blink.{{book ref|sky1|53}}
== Aftermath ==
Spensa enteredenters a place of complete darkness, with billions of white eyes watching her, then came backcomes to. M-Bot toldtells her they wereare one hundred kilometers from the blast, with no evidence of time dilation. Ironsides contactedcontacts Spensa and toldtells her to come back to base, but, seeing a gap in the debris field, Spensa rotatedrotates her acclivity rings and launchedlaunches upwards, towards the stars.{{book ref|sky1|54}}
Spensa and M-Bot flewfly up towards the gap in the platforms, eventually leaving the exosphere and reaching Mag-55. M-Bot informedinforms her he wasis detecting radio communication at one ifof the stars ahead, believing it to not be a star, but in fact a space station. A few Krell ships come close to M-Bot and Spensa is suddenly overcome with something pushing on her brain and eyes, trying to make her see certain images. Spensa realizedrealizes this is exactly what the Krell must have done to her father, make him see his friends as Krell and therefore shoot them down. M-Bot then jammedjams their transmission, then pulledpulls back a little bit, allowing Spensa to hear the Krell talking to each other. She learned the Krell wereare actually just prison guards, and M-Bot triedtries to hack the space station's systems. He triedtries but wasis booted out, so the space station deployeddeploys a couple fighters to attack them. M-Bot and Spensa fledflee back through the gap in the platforms, but not before M-Bot gainedgains some information from the station.{{book ref|sky1|55}}
After the battle, and with help from Spensa's cytonics and Rodge and the Engineering Corps' work, the DDF wasis able to seize control of a couple of the Platforms above Detritus, reenergizing and reequipping them, and taking the fight to the Krell outside the atmosphere of Detritus.
== Notable Combatants ==