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The Edgedancers use the Surges of '''Abrasion''' and '''Progression'''.
They have theThe Surge of [[Surgebinding#Progression|Progression]]. This allows them to make plants or other organic objects to grow much faster than normal. They can also heal, though the extent of this ability is unknown, it seems that the wielder is even able to heal others from wounds suffered from Shardblades.
They have theThe Surge of [[Surgebinding#Abrasion|Abrasion]]. This grants them the ability to manipulate friction. They can apply this in different ways; they can make their feet nearly frictionless, they can escape any grasp, or grip the slickest walls.
They have been described, poetically, as being able "to ride the thinnest rope at speed, dance across rooftops, and move through a battlefield like a ribbon on the wind."{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
[[Lift]], the only specific example of an Edgedancer given thisthus far in the series, has the unique ability to extract Stormlight from food through an ability granted by the [[Nightwatcher]].
== History ==