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== Geography ==
[[File:Thaylen City on the map.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Thaylen City on the map of Thaylenah]]
Thaylen City is located on the northwestern coast of the largest of the islands forming [[Thaylenah]]. It sits on the shores of [[Longbrow's Straits]], a strip of ocean dividing Thaylenah from the [[Roshar]]an mainland.{{map ref|Roshar}} The city was built inside a massive, natural [[lait]] to protect it from [[highstorm]]s. It's surrounded by mountains, offering additional protection.{{map ref|Thaylen City}} While the local climate is warmer than in the [[Frostlands]] across the Straits, it's still cold, especially at night.{{book ref|sa2|1}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} Thanks to its location, the city ordinarily suffers only the mildest of stormwinds, but once the [[True Desolation]] begins, it's exposed to the full brunt of the [[Everstorm]].{{book ref|sa3|58}}