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== Appearance and Personality ==
Dusk is calm, patiencepatient, but also alert at all times, for every step on Patji cannot be stepped without care. Doing most of the thinking in his mind, he doesn't speak much and isn't used to being with people due to the solitude lifestyle of a trapper. He is also a practical person; although he loses some of the trappers' traditions by using creations of modern technology, he considered survival to be of higher importance.
|Better to let Patji claim rivals than to directly stain one’s hands. At least, so his uncle had taught him.
==Attributes and Abilities==
As a proficient trapper, Dusk has competent knowledge of the spectacular flora and fauna on the island. The ability to identify the deadly lifeforms is what allows him to survive in the jungle. Moreover, he uses these threats to his advantage, for example, setting various traps for his safecamp with deathants[[deathant]]s, [[nightwind]] fungi and [[jellywire]] vines. He is quite capable in woodcraft, and is able to make a canoe in weeks with materials from the jungle. He also utilizes modern technologies; among his equipment are steel machete, firestarter and thick clothes. However, the most notable abilities he has are those associated with AviarsAviar.
=== Aviar===
One of the most profitable skills Dusk has acquired is the breeding of [[Aviar]]. While most of the Aviar he raises are traded with mainlanders to meet the ever-high demand, two of the Aviar, Kokerlii and Sak, have bonded with him and travel around with him. '''[[Kokerlii]]''' has typical cognitive disguise ability, which protects Dusk from predators that hunt by seeking out mind. This type of Aviar is a necessity for Eelakin trappers as mind-shielding ability is both required when traveling on water, where deaths from beneath[[deepwalker]]s can consume a ship in one gulp, and traveling on land, where being found by a Nightmaw or other predators means almost certain death. The other Aviar, '''[[Sak]]''', has a rare and unique ability: its blessings, when bestowed, can reveal possible dangers for its owner by creating illusions of corpses on dangerous spots. Although Dusk doesn't like to rely on this ability, as it might gradually make him lose his skills, it has been proven extremely useful on several life-saving occasions.
== Relationships ==