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|books= [[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Helaran Davar''' is a [[Veden]] [[Shardbearer]]{{book ref|sa2|19}} on [[Roshar]]. Helaran is the oldest child of [[House Davar]], with four younger siblings: [[Balat Davar|Balat]], [[Wikim Davar|Wikim]], [[Jushu Davar|Jushu]], and [[Shallan Davar|Shallan]]. Originally known as '''Nan Helaran Davar''', identifying him as the first son and heir of [[House Davar]], he is stripped of the title Nan when [[Lin Davar|his father]] disowns him.
== Appearance and Personality ==
| Helaran's grin was so wide, it practically glowed. It was hard to frown in a room where he was smiling ---.
| [[Shallan]]'s thoughts on her brother.{{book ref|sa2|19}}
Of all the Davar children, he is considered to be the most responsible and the only true adult, even after his younger brother Balat comes of age. AlongHe withand Shallan, Helaran was one ofare his father's favorite children.{{book ref|sa2|27}}
Helaran is resentful and angry at his father, who he believes murdered his mother and her lover in cold blood.
== History ==
Around {{Rosharan date|1168}} or shortly before, Helaran acquires a [[Shardblade]] from an unnamed group.{{book ref|sa2|19}}
Later that year, he visits Shallan and brings her sketching tools from [[Northgrip]] as a present. He had also given [[Balat]] a new axehound pup, but Balat had abused and possibly killed it. During the visit, he tells Shallan and his father that he must leave to attend to affairs, but his father disagrees and confronts him. Helaran summons his Shardblade, threatens his father, and leaves, but promises to return and check on the family.{{book ref|sa2|19}}.
After this confrontation with his father he would visitvisits the Davar estate sporadically and for only short visitsperiods at atime, bringing [[Shallan]] more drawing supplies but avoiding his father.{{book ref|sa2|27}}
Of all the Davar children, he knows the most about his father's secrets and plans and stands up to him the most. He has some connection to [[Hoid|Wit]], whom he asks to deliver the message that "he has eyes nearby and is watching.". AtUpon hearing this, his father declares him disinherited and start referingreferring to Tet Balat as Nan Balat, whichthereby isnaming the reference toBalat the eldest son.{{book ref|sa2|45}}.
Two years later, he returns to Jah Keved and meets with Balat. Helaran warns his brother that this time when he leftleaves, he might not be coming back for a long time, and askedasks him to watch over the family. When his father finds out, he sends one of his new guards, [[Rin]], to kill him. {{book ref|sa2|61}}
In {{Rosharan date|1172}}, he appears on a battlefield in [[Alethkar]] with a full set of Shards. Helaran's goal is to kill Highlord [[Meridas Amaram]], but he is killed by [[Kaladin]] during the battle.{{book ref|sa2|74}} Although it is Kaladin's right to claim Helaran's Shards, Amaram betrays Kaladin and claims the shards instead.{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa1|51}}{{book ref|sa2|52}}{{book ref|sa2|73}}.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
His mother had intimate contact with a [[Skybreaker]] acolyte and itsit is possible Nale knew a member of the house was close to bonding a spren. It is believed they thought it was Helaran. He was recruited because Nale was impressed with him. They recruited him with displays of great power and Shards.{{book ref|sa3|40}}
Helaran had not yet bonded a spren and so his shardbladeShardblade still had a glowing gemstone. Likely, Helaran was sent to kill Amaram as a test—either that or he took it upon himself as a way of proving his worthiness for knighthood. {{book ref|sa3|40}}
== Relationships ==
=== Shallan ===
Helaran is protective of [[Shallan]]. He encouragedencourages her drawing, as he considersbelieves sheher to have hasthe potential to be great at it. {{book ref|sa2|19}} After leaving, he continuedcontinues to send her gifts, including [[Jasnah's Kholin]]'s book and high quality paper for her drawings.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
Shallan looked up to her brother and considers her rightness comes from him, from "the best person she knew".{{book ref|sa2|36}}
SheShallan wantslooks up to findher informationbrother onand hisfeels pastthat andher motives;rightness makingcomes progressfrom afterhim, herfrom affiliation"the tobest theperson she ghostbloodsknew".{{book ref|sa3sa2|4036}}
She wants to find information on his past and motives, but doesn't make much progress until after becoming affiliated with the [[Ghostbloods]].{{book ref|sa3|40}}
=== Balat ===
=== Lin Davar ===
Helaran is sure his father killed his mother and lover. He confronts him as he leaves his house. {{book ref|sa2|19}}. Even though they don't see each other again, they grow further apart; Helaran sends him a message stating that he has eyes nearby, and is watching.", Causingcausing him to be disinherited and to lose his title of Nan.{{book ref|sa2|45}} Later, Lin Davar finds that Helaran talked to Balat and sends a guard to kill him.{{book ref|sa2|61}}
Later [[Lin Davar]] finds that Helaran talked to Balat and sends his solider to kill him.{{book ref|sa2|61}}
== Quotes ==
== Trivia ==
The reason behind Helaran´s murder attempt on Meridas [[Amaram]] is unkonwn; however, it is mostly believed the attack was simply a strike against the [[Sons of Honor]]. {{book ref|sa3|40}}
== Notes ==
