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The Assassination of Gavilar was an assassination performed by [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano]] on orders from the [[Parshendi]]{{book ref|twok|Prologue}}. It was a major turning point in Alethkar's history, leading to the [[War of Reckoning]] and most of the events in the [[Stormlight Archive]].
== Lead-up ==
[[Gavilar]] encountered the Parshendi on an expedition south of [[Alethkar]], intowhile an area nearexploring the [[ShatteredEastern PlainsCrownlands]]{{disputedbook ref|twok|28}}. Gavilar showed an unusual amount of interest in the Parshendi, attempting to discover more and more about them. Eventually, in 1167, he even makesmade a treaty with the Parshendi.
In addition, a number of changes arewere noted in Gavilar - he startsstarted following the [[Alethi Codes of War]], and he developsdeveloped a fascination for [[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]].
== On the Night ==
Gavilar then gives Szeth a strange black sphere and tells him, "You must take this. They must not get it." He then instructs Szeth to tell Gavilar's brother Dalinar that he must "find the most important words a man can say."
Because as a Shin, Szeth considers a dying wish to be sacred, he leaves a note for Dalinar written in Gavilar's blood. He takes the sphere and flees.{{book ref|twok|Prologue}}
=== To Question (Jasnah) ===
As she leaves Jasnah hears the Parshendi's drums cease. As she walks she encounters Nale and an unidentified man discussing an individual named Ash as well what Jasnah believes is a shardblade. Continuing on, Jasnah hears screams and starts running, following a trail of destruction that leads to her father's rooms. She watches as Szeth collapses the balcony beneath himself and Gavilar. She begins to cry as he stands over her father and wonders what he is doing. When he walks away she sees that her father is dead, his blade having appeared next to him, and despairs over failing in her efforts to protect her family.
Members of the Parshendi ruling council, including Klade, Gangnah, and Varnali, approach Jasnah and apologize. They confess to hiring Szeth to assassinate Gavilar, claiming he was about to do something very dangerous.{{book ref|wor|Prologue}}
== Notes ==
