Difference between revisions of "User:Firesong/Alethi language"

==== Evolution ====
Glyphic evolution is separated into three primary phases, Old, Middle, and Modern. Each stage grows gradually more simplified over time. Modern glyphs have not undergone this simplification, and thus retain their complexity compared to older glyphs.{{file ref|Alethi Glyphs Page 1.jpg|Alethi Glyphs: Page 1}}{{wob Asref|8960}}{{wob theyref|8964}} evolve,Modern theyglyphs losehave thenot phoneticundergone informationthis coded into themsimplification, asand peoplethus whoretain dotheir notcomplexity understand the phonemes present in the glyph attemptcompared to increaseolder the ease of writing, leaving them as logographsglyphs.{{file ref|Alethi Glyphs Page 1.jpg|Alethi Glyphs: Page 1}}{{wob ref|8964}}
As they evolve, they lose the phonetic information coded into them, as people who do not understand the phonemes present in the glyph attempt to increase the ease of writing, leaving them as logographs.{{file ref|Alethi Glyphs Page 1.jpg|Alethi Glyphs: Page 1}}{{wob ref|8964}}
==== Stormwarden Script ====
