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Paul thrumming with power placates an [[Evermouth]], (a giant lizard beast), so that he can ride it to traverse the desolate landscape. He meets a mounted knight who first believes Paul to be a drull, before after a short confrontation reveals themselves to be Princess Feotora. Feotora starts to lead Paul out of the drull land before they are attacked by a large pack of Evermouths. Feotora immediately slays the Evermouth Paul was riding before leaping forward to fight the incoming pack. After slaying a few, Paul using some of his power sweeps his sword and bisects the rest of the pack in one strike.
On Earth, Lin goes to the corrections facility that her client, Mister Caligo is being held in. The guards warn her that Caligo is dangerous, and as they enter she demands the remove the face mask they've been making him wear after biting another mans tongue off. Caligo admits to the fifteen murders he is being accused of, plus more the police don't know about. He wishes for the state to give him the death penalty and hopes admitting to more crimes helps with this.
