Difference between revisions of "Summary:Dark One Book 1"

Chapter 1 and Intermission 1
(Add prologue)
(Chapter 1 and Intermission 1)
== Prologue: The Heart of the City ==
A battle rages in [[Pitch|The Black City]] on [[Mirandus]] between the [[Drull]] and the Vanguards of the Light. [[Rastik]], a Drull discusses the battle with their Lord, a masked figure in a dark cloak. The Lord comments on how good does not exist, before telling Rastik to clear their thoughts or the bond will be corrupted. Rastik insists it is their choice before the Lord kills them, splattering themselves with the blood. The Lord takes off their mask to show a human face with red eyes.
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== Chapter 1: The Unsafe Boy ==
*[[Paul Tanasin]]
*[[Dr Marcus]]
*[[Leonard]] (Dr Marcus' cat)
*[[Lin Yang-Tanasin]]
*[[Trebor]] (Mentioned Only)
*[[Marcy]] (Mentioned Only)
*[[Illarion|Geoff Mitchell]]
*[[Mister Caligo]]
*[[Zoran]] (Mentioned Only)
*[[Sir Ysla]]
Paul and Dr Marcus discuss Paul's moving out of home, and how Paul doesn't dream and believes himself to be dangerous. Paul seeing the Doctor was part of his agreement with his mother for moving out. Paul sees a ghostly figure, Nikka, that claims to be his sister, but Paul claims to not have a sister and doesn't tell the Doctor. Paul heads home and talks with Nikka about his ideas for making a city organisation video game The game mostly runs itself with input needed from the player to fix small problems that keep cropping up daily, hinting at his personal life problems.
Paul's mother calls him and mistakenly wishes him a happy birthday a week early. To move the conversation on, Paul asks about her new case as an attorney. It turns out her new case is about a serial killer. A meeting with Geoff Mitchell, a partner at the firm, leads to pressure to make a plea deal rather than defend Mister Caligo, despite most evidence being circumstantial.
Following the meeting, Geoff head to his big office, before transitioning across to [[Kingdoms of Light|The Kingdoms of Light]] on Mirandus, an alternate world. Here Geoff is a Destined One, who meets with King Gosovic to confirm the next verse of the [[Narrative]] has started as he has discovered the next [[Dark One (title)|Dark One]]. King Gosovic wants to wait till the Narrative starts before moving to fight the Dark One, but Geoff, going by the name Illarion here, believes different and sets out with the next [[Destined One]] Kraisis, and a loyal knight to strike first.
On [[Earth]], Paul has moments of panic whilst out and quickly calls an emergency session with Dr Marcus. Here Paul comes out with the whole truth, how he sees the world differently and how he sees Nikka. Nikka tries to urge Paul to run, before the knight from Mirandus bursts through the door, killing Dr Marcus with a sweep of his sword. Paul runs before the knight catches up and declares himself as Sir Ysla before trying to kill Paul. Paul embraces a power within him, and a big explosion occurs, killing the knight and moving Paul and Nikka to Mirandus.
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== Intermission 1: The First Story ==
Figures chop down some trees and make two masks; one stripped of bark to look pale and human, the other reminiscent of the Dark One's mask. A group sits around a bonfire, before the two with the masks get up and act out a story. The human-like masked figure holds a dagger, and appears to stab themselves, drawing blood whilst the masked person and surrounding people cheer.
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== Chapter 2: Into the Shadow of the World ==
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== Intermission 2: The Garden of Stone ==
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== Chapter 3: Those Without Souls ==
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== Intermission 3: The Tragedie of the Boy Karkun ==
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== Chapter 4: A New Narrative ==
== Epilogue: Peragator ==