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;Plot Summary
As she goes to the hangar, Spensa sends M-Bot to spy on Chet and see if he digs up the reality icon. He doesn’t. Still, Spensa is suspicious. She buries the pin, then decides to go for a different hangar in case Chet plans to betray her. Spensa slips into the hangar, and goes to a sleek interceptor. She doesn’t see anything in the cockpit, and M-Bot tries to connect to the ship. He gets locked out, and lights in the cockpit turn on. Inside Spensa sees a hulking crystalline body inside the cockpit. She realizes that M-Bot had scanned for heat signatures, but not all aliens give off heat. Spensa tries to run, but the ship levels one of its destructors at her. Spensa stoppedstops and surrenderedsurrenders.
=== Chapter 17 ===
