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== Appearance and Personality ==
{{image|Waxillium Ladrian by Korina Hunjak.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
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|Wax{{book ref|mb4|15}}
{{image|Waxillium Ladrian by Korina Hunjak.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
Wax is tall{{book ref|mb6|21}} with an intense face and eyes that are sometimes described to be as cold as icicles.{{book ref|mb6|21}} Though the twenty years he spent living in the Roughs have taken their toll on his appearance'{{book ref|mb6|21}}, leaving his hands calloused{{book ref|mb6|31}} and his dark hair streaked with gray, he still maintains the lean, muscular body of his youth.{{book ref|mb4|13}} Accustomed to regularly sitting for a shave ,{{book ref|mb6|1}}, Wax still believes he could use a nice scar on his face, in good Roughs fashion.{{book ref|mb4|13}}
In addition to his metalminds, a pair of [[iron]] bracers he wears on his upper arms typically hidden by the cuffs of his sleeves,{{book ref|mb4|2}}, Wax favors wearing an [[aluminum]]-lined, Roughs-style hat, as well as a long, mistcloak duster over his fine city suit, vest, and cravat.{{book ref|mb5|5}} Wax tends to be unnaturally light on his feet, due to his habit of nearly constantly filling his metalminds with a small percentage of his weight.{{book ref|mb2|prologue}}
When on patrol, Wax adds a shotgun to the pocket of his tasseled mistcloak and straps on a gunbelt fully stocked with spent bullet casings and whiskey-filled metal vials, to compliment the dual pistols holstered on his hips.{{book ref|mb4|1}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
{{image|WaxTheChocolateArmor and Wayne BW by ShuravfWaxPicture.jpgpng|side=right|widthheight=250px300px|WithFlying on [[Wayne]]Steelpushes}}
=== Metallic Arts ===
Waxillium is a Crasher; a [[steel|Coinshot]] and [[iron|Skimmer]] Twinborn.{{book ref|mb4|1}} The combination of these abilities makes Waxillium a particularly dangerous individual since the strength of a Steelpush is largely dependent on the mass of the Allomancer.
==== Feruchemy ====
As a Skimmer, using iron metalminds, Wax can store his weight at the cost of being lighter than normal, and tap the storage to become heavier. Wax constantly stores his weight to make him about three-quarters of his normal weight, making him lighter on his feet. He also uses this ability to navigate vertically in combination with [[Steel#Allomantic Use|steelpushing]] and a shotgun. Wax doesn't tap into his weight very often, preferring to store it to be lighter, as a result, the sheer amount of weight he can tap in to allows him to quite easily fall straight through a floor with no effort. He uses this power to his advantage many times.
{{image|Waxillium Ladrian by Dan Watson.jpg|side=right|width=350px}}
==== Hemalurgy ====
Due to his invaluable contributions toward the resolution of the Vanishers case, Wax was granted a citywide deputized forbearance by the [[Elendel#Government|Elendel Senate]] as well as certain allowances to practice his Roughs-style justice in the city.{{book ref|mb4|20}}
{{image|TheChocolateArmor_WaxPicture.png|side=left|width=250px|Wax and the Mists}}
====Tormented by the Past====
Seeking more information on Bleeder, Wax entered the museum in the [[Field of Rebirth]]. Locating the secret path through the historical [[atium]] mines, Wax entered the cavern leading to the Homeland, and encountered [[TenSoon]], legendary wolfhound of the [[Ascendant Warrior]]. TenSoon told Wax much of Bleeder's history and showed him a torn up and desecrated copy of the [[Words of Founding]]--the product of one of her last acts before leaving the Homeland and evidence of her descent into madness.{{book ref|mb5|20}} Wax and TenSoon found themselves chased from the Homeland by the sudden appearance of [[Hemalurgic chimera]]s--deformed humans under Bleeder's control--but not before Wax came to realize the full scope of her plan. She didn't want to simply kill the governor; she wanted to incite a city-wide riot.{{book ref|mb5|21}} Wax immediately returned to Innate's mansion, intent on saving his life once and for all. After entering the governor's study, Wax noticed a carefully placed gumball, which he recognized to be a sign of trouble, left for him by Wayne. Immediately realizing the truth--that Bleeder had been secretly impersonating the governor the entire time--Wax pulled out his gun. Bleeder opened fire first, killing Innate's guards as she escaped out the window.{{book ref|mb5|22}}
{{image|The LawmanWax and the KandraSteris by Ingvild SchageElisgardor.jpg|side=right|widthheight=200px250px|Wax andcrying with [[Steris]] after killing [[Lessie]]}}
====Confronting a Memory====
Joined on the train to New Seran by Steris, who was becoming increasingly familiar and useful company, Wax soon found it difficult to interrupt her intense reading of a book. He needed to mine her keen knowledge of local politics and slake his curiosity after he noticed increased protests of Elendel's tariffs, visible out the windows as they passed through the outer cities. Distracting her further, Wax was delighted to finally catch a glimpse of what had earlier held Steris' attention so doggedly--she had been reading a book on basic human reproduction. Mortified, Steris attempted to change the subject, but the discovery only added to Wax's growing affection for the woman.{{book ref|mb6|5}}
{{image|Wax and Steris finances by Elisgardor.jpg|side=right|width=350px|Looking over the house finances with Steris on the train}}
Feeling the train car suddenly slowing, Wax sprang into action. Guessing rightly that robbers had disconnected their car, he leaped to the tracks below and then tapped his metalmind to greatly increase his weight, which allowed him to Steelpush the train car back down the tracks fast enough to reconnect. Wax pushed himself back onto the train, which was already being boarded by a large group of gunmen on horseback.{{book ref|mb6|7}} Leaving Steris in Marasi's care, Wax fought his way through the train, eventually squaring off against, a huge Metalborn brute, whose large bulk turned out to be a great target for Ranette's latest gift to Wax's arsenal--an Allomantically-triggered hook device which proved particularly well suited to throwing people from a train.{{book ref|mb6|8}}
Eventually arriving in New Seran, Wax and Steris agreed that the best way to begin their investigation was to attend a ball at the home of Lady [[Kelesina Shores]], where they would be sure to scrape as much information as possible from the city's upper crust. As they approached the mansion, Wax gave a bank note to a well spoken [[Hoid|beggar]]{{book ref|mb6|11}}, who insisted he take in exchange a strange coin, made of two different metals, branded with the face of a man spiked through one eye, and covered in symbols that Wax could not read. Separating, the two mingled among the elite and gathered what rumors they could, including some regarding a hushed building project that may have involved Allomancers, north east of the city. Gruff around the edges as ever, and surrounded by as practiced liars and thieves as he had ever faced before, Wax knew he still had a lot to learn about politics. Still, he gained more information than he expected, even detecting that there was more going on with Lady Kelesina than she let on. Interrupted just as he was about to extend an invitation to Lady [[Felise Demoux]], Wax instead shared a dance with [[Khriss]], who was excited to question Wax extensively about his particular pairing of Feruchemical and Allomantic abilities. Pushing for more information than seemed proper, and displaying an uncomfortably high level of knowledge of his powers, Khriss increased Wax's already heavy suspicions, as he returned to asking other guests of the party questions of his own.{{book ref|mb6|12}}
{{image|Wax and Steris by clarinking.jpg|side=rightleft|width=300px|Flying through the air with [[Steris]]}}
Sensing that Lady Kelesina was making a quick escape from the party, Wax scrambled to find a way to exit in pursuit, without alerting anyone that he was following. Ever prepared, Steris armed Wax with a pistol she had snuck into the dance and then produced the requisite distraction, from the bottom of a vial of ipecac.{{book ref|mb6|13}} Following as carefully as possible, Wax caught up to Kelesina deep in her mansion, where he overheard the unmistakable voice of his uncle through the door to her bedroom. Wax listened as Edwarn detailed his involvement in both the train robbery from the day before as well as further plans to stymie Wax and keep him off his trail.{{book ref|mb6|15}} Bursting through the door without any hesitation, Wax was immediately disarmed by Kelesina's [[pewter]]-burning steward. Beckoned by Edwarn, whose words were actually emitted from an odd voice projector sitting in the room, the steward turned and murdered Kelesina with Wax's gun, tidily implicating him, a visiting noble from Elendel, in the assassination of one of New Seran's political elite.
Halted by a door which was inscribed with writing that none of them could decipher, Wax returned to the entrance of the temple, where Steris, Marasi, and Wayne held Edwarn at gunpoint; his expedition had arrived at the temple just before Wax's return. Edwarn claimed to know the secret to opening the temple's final door and threatened Wax that he had an overwhelming force of Allomancers and goons surrounding the temple who would not hesitate to kill every member of Wax's pitiful group, unless he was allowed to join them in collecting the Bands.{{book ref|mb6|25}} When the temple's last chamber proved to be missing the Bands, Wax suddenly found himself in an armed standoff with Telsin, who he had rightly suspected to be a mole for the Set. Both siblings fired at once; Wax's bullet went wild and missed, but Telsin's shot hit Wax just below the neck. A number of bullets later, Wax fell into a pit below the Bands' supposed resting chamber.{{book ref|mb6|26}} Trailing blood and weakening by the moment, Wax was soon tracked down by Edwarn, now fully revealed as an Allomancer, by way Hemalurgic spikes. Edwarn cruelly triggered another of the temple's traps, which collapsed the roof and crushed Wax's already wounded body under a punishing avalanche of rubble. In a daze, Wax was forced to watch helplessly as his uncle approached, unholstering his pistol and intent on finishing him off. When Wayne arrived to attempt his rescue and broke down at the sight of him, Wax used his remaining breath to tell his friend to go on living and keep fighting. No longer able to hold on, Waxillium Ladrian died.{{book ref|mb6|27}}
{{image|Trell by Connor Chamberlain.jpeg|side=leftright|width=350px|Speaking with [[Sazed]]}}
|Wax clenched his jaw, but couldn't force down the trembling that took him. He lived it again, holding her as she died. Knowing he'd killed her. That hatred seethed inside of him. Hatred for Harmony. Hatred for the world. And yes. Hatred for himself.
|Wax reflects on Lessie's death.{{book ref|mb6|28}}
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