Difference between revisions of "User:Taln Fan/Summary:Sunreach"

no edit summary
* [[Nose]]
* [[Sushi]]
* [[Jorgen Weight]] (mentioned only)
* [[Nedd Strong]] (mentioned only)
* [[Arturo Mendez]] (mentioned only)
* [[Matthew Cobb|Admiral Cobb]] (mentioned only)
FM introduces herself, talking about how she’s become a pilot. FM and [[Nightmare Flight]] are called up into combat to defend against a massive Krell attack, and Kimmayln tellstelling her that sheSpensa sawis Spensaup there somewehre. As they fly into space, they find a huge number of enemy fighters, including fifty piloted ships. FM and the rest of Nightmare flight fly out to meet the Krell, engaging multiple ships at once. In the middle of the flight, Nose calls over the intercom and relays an order from [[Cobb|Admiral Cobb]] to turn off all communications immediately and to engage in evasive maneuvers. FM does so nervously, leaving her in absolute and eerie silence.
=== Chapter 2 ===
