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Adolin and Shallan decided to only take a few attendants each, to keep the expedition small.{{book ref|sa4|20}} When he was getting ready, Adolin had trouble deciding what to wear. Shallan teased him about it and gave him an hour to meet the others. Adolin quickly decided and used the time to stop by Kaladin and call him Alethkar's most eligible bachelor. Adolin then reassured Kaladin that it was okay to step away from the front line, and take the time he needed.When leaving, Syl advised to be careful as the Honorspren could be hard to persuade with logic if they feel something is right or not.{{book ref|sa4|21}}
After the stop, Adolin left the tower and met the expedition at the Oathgate for the [[Shattered Plains]]. He oversaw the workers packing the last of his armor and weapons on [[Gallant]], who would serve him on the trip. Adolin had to talk to the Ryshadium and give him some fruit[[palafruit]] before Gallant allowed the workers to load him. When [[Godeke]] asked how many swords Adolin needed, he explained you couldn't have enough as different situations required different swords. He then proceeded to show off every sword he had. After Godeke hiked off, [[Zu (Roshar)|Zu]] joked that Adolin almost liked not being able to use a Shardblade, and showed off hers.{{book ref|sa4|21}}
After finishing with his equipment, Adolin checked on his men, all chosen for their levelheadedness. The [[Stump]] was the last of the Radiants to arrive, and Adolin walked up to the people seeing off the expedition. He watched as Jasnah supervised a last soulcasting exercise by the Lightweavers. When ready, Dalinar gave a short speech wishing the expedition a good trip into Shadesmar, followed by words from Jasnah and Taravangian. The group entered the Oathgate building. Adolin lingered last to have a conversation with his father.{{book ref|sa4|21}}
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