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m (it was agreed that the image used is not appropriate for the page. also tried to make the narrative work better)
The coalition of monarchs decided to send a group to [[Lasting Integrity]] to recruit [[honorspren]] to their cause.{{book ref|sa4|19}} Shallan was asked to recruit three Lightweavers to join the mission to Soulcast food and water. Shallan selected Ishnah, Vathah, and Stargyle, as they had shown the most interest and were most likely the Ghostblood's spy.{{book ref|sa4|20}} At the last minute, Stargyle's wife became sick and [[Beryl]] was added as a replacement.{{book ref|sa4|21}} Over the course of two weeks, the group sailed from [[Nohadon's Stairways]] to [[Nameless]].{{book ref|sa4|22}} While this happened, Shallan used a box containing the [[Seon]] [[Ala]] to communicate to [[Mraize]]. She noticed that someone else was using the box and feared that one of the Court was using the box to communicate to Mraize.{{cite}}
Shallan devised a plan to catch the Ghostblood's spy. She fed misinformation to each member of her team about corrupted spren she'd seen. She told Beryl she'd seen corrupted [[gloryspren]], she told Ishnah she'd seen corrupted [[windspren]], and she told [[Vathah]] she'd seen corrupted [[fearspren]].{{book ref|sa4|26}} [[Mraize]] leaked that he'd heard about corrupted gloryspren, which implicated Beryl.{{book ref|sa4|30}} Shallan later found out [[Pattern]] had in fact been the one to communicate using the box, but only to [[HoidWit]].{{book ref|sa4|36}}{{book ref|sa4|78}} However,It was a Ghostblood [[Sleepless]] posing as a writing instrument for [[Wit]] was the source of Mraize's information.{{book ref|sa4|64}} Shallan was relieved to know she had not been betrayed by the Unseen Court.{{book ref|sa4|78}}
Upon their arrival in Nameless, Shallan and Vathah posed as [[cultivationspren]] in order to scout the area. Once they arrived in Lasting Integrity, Shallan entered the stronghold, while the rest of the Unseen Court camped outside.{{book ref|sa4|36}} Shallan and [[Adolin]] completed their mission, having convinced the honorspren to join the war and open their fortress to outsiders.{{book ref|sa4|115}}
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