Difference between revisions of "User:King of Herdaz/Renarin Kholin"

caught up with the OB stuff that was here before. (through 55)
(chapter 37)
m (caught up with the OB stuff that was here before. (through 55))
After Kaladin returned from his trip through Alethkar Renarin went with the other members of Bridge Four back to the Shattered Plains for a training session. Rock invited Renarin to help him bake the bread for the rest of the squad. As they worked together they discussed Renarin's role in Bridge Four now that most of the members were becoming [[Windrunner]] [[squire]]s. Later, caravan carrying Rock's family was being attacked by Fused and the bridgemen raced to defend it. Renarin went and brought Adolin and two companies of troops to the scene. While the soldiers he brought arrived too late to help, Renarin's healing saved several men's lives.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
After Jasnah's return, Renarin attendsattended a meeting of brightladies and artifabrians talking about the function of Urithiru and how the gemstone pillar might work. He sharesshared the idea that the city might be one big fabrial rather than several, and iswas insulted by [[Janala]], who callscalled him feminine. Navani startsstarted to come to his defense, but Shallan, already vexed by Janala, jumpsjumped in instead to defend him. Renarin later thanksthanked herShallan and hashad a conversation with her about Jasnah, in which he givesgave Shallanher the idea to go to Kholinar as part of the strike team as a spy. When the meeting resumesresumed, Dalinar arrivesarrived, which givesgave Renarin the confidence to actively watch the rest of the proceedings.{{book ref|sa3|44}}
== Relationships ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
