Difference between revisions of "The Stormlight Archive"

== Structure ==
Each book will have one major viewpoint character, with the other major characters complementing that character. In ''The Way of Kings'', the main character is [[Kaladin]], with [[Shallan]] and [[Dalinar]] as the other major viewpoints. In "Words of Radiance" the main character is Shallan, with others as major viewpoints, and in "Oathbringer" the main character is Dalinar" with others as other major viewpoints.
Each book will also focus on one specific order of the Knights Radiant, (likely it will always be the order of the main character). In "The Way of Kings", the main order is [[Windrunner]], as Kaladin is the main character. In "Words of Radiance" the main order is [[Order of Lightweavers|Lightweaver]], as Shallan is the main character, and in Oathbringer the main order is [[Bondsmith]] as Dalinar is the main character.
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