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;Characters: [[TenSoon]], [[Breeze]], [[Elend Venture]], [[Vin]], [[Marsh]]
TenSoon senses a change in the mists, and notices that instead of swirling chaotically, they seem to be all flowing toward Luthadel. He feels invigorated by this and heads toward the capital.
Allrianne alerts Breeze to the odd behavior by the mists. Spook tells Breeze to have everyone in Urteau gather immediately in the caverns.
Elend and Hammond notice the change in the mists, but are busy with the battle against the koloss army. Suddenly they notice the koloss withdraw, heading toward Luthadel.
With the power of the mists and a seemingly endless metal reserve, Vin fights the twelve Inquisitors. Her normal steelpushes act as if she was burning duralumin. She kills them all with ease, even demolishing the palace with one of her steelpushes. The mists vanish, consumed by her usage of them. Marsh is the only Inquisitor remaining.
Marsh revels in the knowledge that whatever he did worked, as Ruin rages in the back of his mind, and that in the end he was able to not surrender. Vin pulls out one of his eye spikes but for some reason leaves without removing the other one and killing him.
== Chapter 74 ==