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Aarik tackles one of the assassins from behind, grabs his spear and throws it thorugh another assassin. He then picks up that assassin's sword and dispatches two more, giving another sword to Kenton and they fight back-to-back. Kenton is considering the changes in Aarik once he touched a sword again, and notes that the "carefree wanderer" is gone and only the "Tower trained warrior" remains. The assassins are finished
Baon and Ais are released. Ais argues with Delius that the Kerztian Warrior bodies should just be burned. Kenton compromises and says they can place the bodies on their own boat and tow it back to Kezare. Baon doubts Aarik could have been that good of a fighter since he didn't previously show any of the tells of a trained warrior. Aarik keeps the sword and stows it through his belt, then very formally asks how long the remaining trip will take. Kenton tried to tell his friend he doesn't have to be soformalso formal again, but Aarik just replies with one of his father's favorite aphorisms. Aarik apologizes to Khrissalla for any impropriety he may have shown her before then excuses himself to return to his rooms. Khriss is baffled at the changes in Aarik's demeanor, and Kenton speculates that is part of the reason he fled Dayside.
As Baon and Ais load the bodies onto the assassins' boat, Ais is consumed by her own thoughts. She recalls Aarik's fight with Lokmlen and how she had thought the Sand Lord was showing her a way to fight without giving in to her rage. Seeing the change in Aarik disturbs her because she fears falling to his fate.